• Hello everyone,

    Today, we started with the correction of an exercise, then we watched a video and described the actions and discovered a lot of vocabulary:

    Exercise: form the verbs in the simple present:

    1. I wash (wash) the dishes every day.

    2. She does [z] (do) the dusting every morning.

    3. My brother fixes [iz]  (fix) the breakfast every Monday.

    4. My parents do (do) the sweeping every Friday.

    5. He makes [s] (make) the fire every night.

    6. She has (have) a shower every day.


    Remarque: les verbes “be” et “have” sont irréguliers, ils se conjuguent autrement.

    Fait à l’oral:

    Je fais la vaisselle tous les jours. I wash the dishes every day.

    Elle passe le balai tous les matins. She does the sweeping every morning.

    Il fait la poussière toutes les semaines. He does the dusting every week.


    Monday, November 30th

    (the thirtieth)

    Video N°3: the preparation of the ball dress


    The mice are using scissors, a needle, thread, fabric and ribbon.      (se pronounce “sowing”)
    They are sewing a ball dress/gown for Cinderella.

    They are cutting/trimming the fabric with scissors.


    HOMEWORK: Tuesday, December 1st:


    Learn the lesson 

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we gave a lot of advice to Mister Crazy. He has totally stupid food habits but it's not good for him! beurk

    Monday, November 30th

    (the thirtieth)

    Mister Crazy: What should he do ?


    He should + Base Verbale (verbe non conjugué) …. yes

    Example : He should eat fresh eggs to have a fresh breath.


    Write three more examples:

    1)He should stop eating unhealthy food to be in good shape/be in good health.

    2)He shouldn’t eat rotten asparagus not to have a stomachache.

    3)You should eat fresh Maori potatoes not to be sick.

    4) You should eat cooked quarter pounders not to have a stomachache.



    Write the opposites of these words: [opposite=contraire]

    -       Healthy: unhealthy

    -       Slim: fat

    -       Fresh: rotten/mouldy/out of date/ stale.

    -       Be sick: be in good shape, be in good health.

    Then, write the opposite of this sentence:

    Mr Crazy shouldn’t eat fresh fruits to be sick.

    ð Mr Crazy should eat fresh fruits not to be sick.


    HOMEWORK: Wednesday, December 2nd:

    Learn “advice”: savoir expliquer comment donner des conseils et savoir en faire. cool

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  • Hello everyone,

    Here are our last lessons about Mr Crazy's stupid food habits!

    Thursday, November 26th

    (the twenty-sixth)

    Mister Crazy’s food habits


    He is very stupid and he loves eating unhealthy food.

    He always has frozen asparagus for dessert because he loves it when his mouth is frozen.

    He often has mouldy corn for lunch because he loves smelly vegetables.

    He usually eats out of date Maori potatoes for breakfast because he loves the green colour.


    -       Rotten (pourri)   - Mouldy (moisi)

    -       Fat (gras)   - Out of date (périmé)

    -       Boiling-hot (brûlant)   - Healthy (sain)

    -       Smelly (malodorant)   - Frozen (congelé)

    -       Dirty (sale) – Digusting (dégoûtant) – Boring (ennuyeux)

    -       Stale (rassis) [steil]



    -       Burn (brûler) – to be sick (être malade)

    Monday, November 30th

    (the thirtieth)

    Give advice to Mister Crazy

    He should eat fresh salad to have a healthy food. 

    He should eat mint not to be smelly. 

    He should have healthy food to have a slim body/ to be fit/ not to be fat. 

    He should have healthy plums not to have cancer. 

    He should eat five fruit and vegetables a day to be in good health/ in good shape. 



    HOMEWORK: Tuesday, December 1st:


    Learn advice: comment donner un conseil, apprendre ou savoir faire 2 exemples.

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  • Hello everyone, 

    I hope you are ready to enjoy the weekend.

    Before that, just revise your lesson!

    Here is what we did yesterday: we talked about Mister Crazy's food habits!

    Thursday, November 26th

    (the twenty-sixth)

    Mister Crazy’s food habits


    He is very stupid and he loves eating unhealthy food.

    He always has frozen asparagus for dessert because he loves it when his mouth is frozen.

    He often has mouldy corn for lunch because he loves smelly vegetables.

    He usually eats out of date Maori potatoes for breakfast because he loves the green colour.


    -       Rotten (pourri)   - Mouldy (moisi)

    -       Fat (gras)   - Out of date (périmé)

    -       Boiling-hot (brûlant)   - Healthy (sain)

    -       Smelly (malodorant)   - Frozen (congelé)

    -       Dirty (sale) – Digusting (dégoûtant) – Boring (ennuyeux)

    -       Stale (rassis) [steil]

     Burn (brûler) – to be sick (être malade)


    Then, we completed the document about him.


    HOMEWORK: learn the lesson (être capable de refaire le même genre de phrases).

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  • Hello everyone,

    Here are our last lessons. Enjoy the weekend!

    Thursday, November 26th

    (the twenty-sixth)

    Le présent simple: conjugaison


    1) I wash (wash) the dishes every day.

    2)She does [z](do) the dusting every morning.

    3)My brother fixes [iz](fix) the breakfast every Monday.

    4)My parents (They) do (do) the sweeping every Friday.

    5)He makes [s](make) the fire every night.

    6)She has (have) a shower every day.


    Bad/Mean characters in “Cinderella”


    The cat has a mean look.

    Cinderella’s half-sisters are ugly and horrible.

    Cinderella: mean characters + video n°3

    Anastasia Tremaine has red hair. She is the younger daughter of Lady Tremaine.

    Drizella Tremaine has dark brown hair. She is the older daughter of Lady Tremaine.


    Lady Tremaine is nicknamed “the Wicked step-mother”.

    Cinderella: mean characters + video n°3

    Friday, November 27th

    (the twenty-seventh)

    Video n°3: the preparation of Cinderella’s ball gown


    The mice are making a ball dress/gown for Cinderella.

    They are sewing and cutting/trimming the fabric.
    They are using a needle, ribbon, thread and scissors.


    Sew: se prononce “sow”.


    Gown: se prononce “gawn”.

    Then, we did a quiz about your profile at home: how often to you help with the housework?

    Cinderella: mean characters + video n°3

    Cinderella: mean characters + video n°3

    HOMEWORK: learn the lesson about the video, then write two sentences about the quiz: example:

    I often do the shopping.

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