• Hello everyone,

    Today, we listed all you need to revise for the English test.

    Then, we started preparing the final task.

    On the day of the final task, you will:

    -Pick a paper: you will either be the journalist or the biographist.
    -Pick a document giving you information about a celebrity (using the preterit).

    Then, you will:


    -Interview your partner, if you’re the journalist 



    - Answer the journalist’s questions, if you’re the biographer.



    Le prétérit simple:

    verbes réguliers et irréguliers
    questions sur la vie de quelqu’un et réponses
    questions et réponses avec « ago » 

    Les deux prétérits:

    Pourquoi et comment les utilise-t-on?
    Savoir distinguer les deux prétérits et les utiliser à bon escient
    Savoir les unir dans une même phrase en utilisant « when »

    La présentation d’un document:

    Connaître les éléments à repérer (date…)

    Connaître les structures des phrases vues en classe 

    Les obligations:

    Savoir décrire des obligations au passé 

    La culture:


    Revoir les informations sur C. Dickens, Oliver Twist, la famille royale  



    Tuesday, March 1st: revise the questions about biographies.

    Was he/she married? When was he born? When did he become famous? What was his job?...

    Monday, March 7th: English test

    Tuesday, March 8th: Final task

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, you had time to practise with your partner for the final task.

    You asked and answered questions in the preterit, with and without your copybook.

    Then we listed the possible questions:

    Some revisions for the final task:

    -       Where and when was he born?

    -       How long ago did he die?

    -       When did he die?

    -       How many children did he have?

    -       When did he become famous?

    -       What did he do? / What was his job?

    -       How/Why did he die?

    -      2)  What was his name?

    -       Where did he work?

    -       (When did he divorce?) Was he married?

    -       1) Was it a woman or a man?


    -       How old was he when he died?

    Homework: continue the revisions for the test (see the previous article).

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we made a list for the revisions needed for the English test:


    Then, we prepared the final task: Raoul Blanchard's got talent!

    Monday, February 29th

    (the twenty-nineth)

    Revisions for the English test

    -       Exprimer son opinion: I guess...

    -       Prédire ce qui va se passer: WILL + base verbale

    -       La personnalité: adjectifs : messy…

    -       Questions/réponses sur l’identité de quelqu’un (nom, âge, origine…)

    -       Exprimer son intention/sa volonté : want (que quelqu’un fasse quelque chose : I want Y to eat chocolate).

    -       Parler de ses goûts (verbes, phrases +, -, ?)

    Final task

    Raoul Blanchard has got talent

    Roles: candidates, members of the jury, family/friends



    è     Candidate: answer the jury’s questions (identity, personality, tastes)

    Present your talent.

    è     Jury: ask questions to the candidates

    Ask them why they participate.

    Say thank you. Talk about your feelings.

    Say they are selected.


    Jury’s questions:

    What’s your name?

    How old are you?

    Where do you live? Where are you from?

    Who did you come with?

    Why did you come to this show?

    What are you like? (personnalité)

    What do you like (doing)? (gouts)



    HOMEWORK: 01/03/16: 5e2: learn the questions of the jury. 

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  • Hello everyone,

    Here is your last lesson:

    Thursday, February 11th

    (the eleventh)

    Paula’s story

    Paula isn’t her real name.

    She is fifteen years old.

    She comes from the North East of England.

    She is a prostitute.

    She had to have sex with people she didn’t love.

    She had to work with five to nine clients a day.

    She had to do a dangerous job because clients were sometimes violent.

    Pour exprimer l’obligation (extérieure) : on utilise « have to + base verbale », au prétérit « had to + base verbale ».


    Kumar (16 years old)

    -       He comes from Nepal.

    -       He had to work in a factory when he was 10 years old.

    -       He had to leave his house when he was 8 years old.

    -       He had to work in a hotel because he was poor.

    -       He had to work from 5 a.m to/until midnight.

    -       He lived on the street. He was homeless.

    -       When he was 11 years old, he stole. The police caught him, sent him to jail/prison and he was tortured too.


    HOMEWORK: 29/02/2016: savoir présenter une personne, parler de ses obligations, au prétérit. 

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  • Hello everyone,

    Here is your last lesson:

    Thursday, February 11th

    (the eleventh)

    Paula’s story


    Paula is 15 years old. She lives in / she comes from England.

    She was a prostitute.

    She had to have sex with people she didn’t love.

    She had to see five to nine clients a day.

    Sometimes, she was hit by clients.

    She started taking heroin so she had to work to get money.

    Kumar’s story (16 years old)

    -       Kumar is sixteen years old.

    -       He lives in Nepal.

    -       When he was eight years old, he had to leave his house to work in a hotel and then, in a factory because his family was poor. 

    -       He had to live on the street.

    -       He had to steal to get money.

    -       The police caught (= catch = attraper) him, tortured him and sent (= send= envoyer) him to prison/jail. 



    Dans le carnet: P16:

    Mme Vianey

    En formation





    Dans l’agenda:

    29/02/2016: Savoir présenter un enfant (comme on l’a fait pour Kumar par ex).

    02/03/2016 : ENGLISH TEST

    Le prétérit simple:

    verbes réguliers et irréguliers
    questions sur la vie de quelqu’un et réponses


    questions et réponses avec « ago » 

    Les deux prétérits:

    Pourquoi et comment les utilise-t-on?
    Savoir distinguer les deux prétérits et les utiliser à bon escient
    Savoir les unir dans une même phrase en utilisant « when »

    La présentation d’un document:

    Connaître les éléments à repérer (date…)

    Connaître les structures des phrases vues en classe 

    Les obligations:


    Savoir décrire des obligations au passé 

    La culture:


    Revoir les informations sur C. Dickens, Oliver Twist, la famille royale  


    07/03/2016 : FINAL TASK

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