• Hello everyone,

    Last time, we received letters from Robert Clack School (visit their website: Click: See original image)

    So, we spend some time on the letter we will write to them.

    Wednesday, May 25th

    (the twenty-fifth)

    Writing a letter to our pen friends

    7 Avignon - Dagenham


    -       Thank you for your letter. I’m very happy to reply to it.

    -       My name is ... / I am ...

    -       I’m (âge en toutes lettres)...

    -       My birthday is on the ….. (twelfth) of ..... (May).

    -       I am French but I come from ... (pays).

    -       I live in Annecy, in the south/east of France, close to the Alps.

    -       I can speak English a little (very well / quite well...)

    -       I have blue eyes and I have long black hair.

                                                     (longueur+ couleur)

    -       I wear / I don’t wear glasses.

    -       I am [a little/very/extremely] + adjectifs: shy, crazy, cheerful, easily scared, energetic, talkative, lazy, hard-working, sporty, ...


    Questions: imagine three questions (minimum) for your pen friend:


    Friday, 27: prepare 3 questions


    Wednesday: Write the letter

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  • Hello everyone,

    Last time, we received letters from Robert Clack School (visit their website: Click: See original image)

    So, we spend some time on the letter we will write to them.

    Writing a letter to our penfriends


    Give your name: My name is .... or I’m ...

    Thank you (very much) for your letter.

    I am very happy to write to you (too).

    I am 12/13 [en lettres] (years old).

    My birthday is on the 28(th) of August.

                                        Day              Month.

    I am French. [My family is from...  / I was born in ... ].

    I live in Annecy, in the south/east of France, next to the Alps.

    I can speak/write/understand/read French/English/Spanish/Arabic/German/Turkish/Italian...

    I have got [ length / colour] hair and [colour] eyes.

    I don’t wear glasses / I wear glasses.

    I am a good person.

    I am [- a little / ~quite / + very / +++ extremely]:

    Funny / talkative / hard-working / energetic / mean / athletic / shy / sporty / cheerful / artistic...


    HOMEWORK: Thursday, 26th:  prepare 3 questions in your copybook for the penfriends

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  • Hello everyone,

    First of all, watch these videos and sing along!

    Here is the link to British Council youtube channel if you want to watch more videos:

    British Council Channel

    Tuesday, May 24th

    (the twenty-fourth)

    Song: Stop, look, listen, think!

    You can’t cross the street.

    You must look up and down the road.

    We must see if it’s safe or not and then we can cross the road.

    You must stop, look, listen and think.

    You must look to the left and to the right.

    You mustn’t forget looking to the right again

    -       Cross: traverser

    -       Up  ^  ≠  Down V       -       Left     <--  ≠ -->    Right 

          Again: encore      -   Think: penser ou réfléchir

    HOMEWORK: revise the lesson about the song (for Friday or Tuesday)



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  • Hello everyone,

    Last time we finished studying this video:

    Tuesday, May 24th

    (the twenty-fourth)

    Video: final scene

    First, we supposed the man was going to climb the mountain of waste and scream/say: “I’m the king of the world!”.

    Actually, aliens arrived and killed / crushed / jumped on / flattened the man. He became a carpet on which it was written “WELCOME”.


    Correction of the test: Ex 2/4/6:

    Ex 2:  Expériences: I have already / never + participle passé (+ éventuellement la fréquence).

    Ex 4 : même consigne

    Ex 6 : le superlatif : the most + adj long ou the + adjectif court + -est


    [Pour les élèves ayant eu une excellente note: consigne: préparer en quelques phrases une description d’Annecy en utilisant des superlatifs en vue de présenter la ville aux élèves népalais]


    For Monday 30th: finish the correction of the test and revise the lesson.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we continued working on the video:

    Wednesday, May 25th

    (the twenty-fifth)

    Prediction of what is going to happen

       What we said before watching the end of the video: We guess the elephant is going to hit the man.




       Suppositions:           Vérification:           Le moment  

       Dans le passé            Actually                    présent :  

                                         Dans le passé.        On relit le cours 

    => We thought the man was going to scream: “I’m the king of the world!!!”.


    Actually, aliens arrived. They jumped on the man and flattened him. He became a carpet on which it was written “WELCOME”.



    HOMEWORK for Monday 30th: learn the lesson (savoir aussi expliquer la ligne du temps)

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