• Hello everyone,

    Today, we watched the first extract from Oliver Twist and we answered these questions:

    Tuesday, January 31st

    (the thirty-first)

    Oliver Twist (the film): extract n°1

    -      What was going on when Oliver entered the dining-room?

    Gentlemen were eating when Oliver entered the dining-room.

    -      What was going on when Oliver entered the classroom?

    Children were working when Oliver entered the classroom.

    -      What was going on when Oliver stood up in the canteen?

    Children were eating when Oliver stood up in the canteen.


     HOMEWORK: learn the lesson 01/02/17

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, you worked in groups to prepare your final task.

    You took notes about the candidate and you practiced.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we spent the hour working on the oral that you will have at the end of the year.

    You worked on the job you wanted to watch:



    Talk about your work experience for 2 – 3 minutes:

    When? From … to … (+ date)

    Where? I spent 5 days working at… (name + address)

    What sort of shop? Business? Office? Is it big or small? Local, national or international? What do they do / produce/ sell…? How many people work there?

    Working hours? I worked every day from ... till ... (+time)

    What did you do? I watched, I helped out, I advised customers (conseiller les clients), I designed, I cleaned, I sold, I stacked shelves (mettre en rayon), I took pictures...

    Who did you work with? Were the people helpful? Who was your mentor?

    Your opinion? Did you enjoy it? What did you learn? What didn’t you like?


    Would you like to do that job later on? (interesting, tiring, boring, a positive experience...)



    - Wednesday, February 1st: Oral (tâche finale, job interview)

    - Monday, 6th: Oral (l'oral que l'on a préparé aujourd'hui sur le stage en entreprise)

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  • Hello everyone,

    This week, you discovered the instructions for the final task and you prepared it in groups:

    Thursday, January 26th

    (the twenty-sixth)

    Preparation of the final task: a job interview

    Roles: a candidate for a job and an employer.

    The employer asks questions to the candidate about his studies, his working experience and his personal interests.

    Activité langagière évaluée: Réagir et dialoguer 

    Compétences évaluées: 

    q Établir un contact social (saluer, se présenter, présenter quelqu'un...).

    q Dialoguer pour échanger / obtenir des renseignements

    q Échanger des informations.


    The employer’s questions:

    -       What’s your name and where do you live? >perso. Info

    Where have you studied?

    -       How long have you studied?             Studies/diplomas

    -       What diplomas do you have?

    Where have you worked?

    -       How long have you worked ...?        Working experience

    What are your hobbies?

    -       What languages do you speak?        Hobbies/languages

    How well can you speak it?  

    -       Why do you want to get this job?          MotivationHOMEWORK :

    Wednesday, 31st : ORAL tâche finale


    è    Les volontaires peuvent s’habiller comme pour un entretien d’embauche et passer aussi devant les autres pour un éventuel bonus.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Last time, we discovered the instructions for the final task (a job interview) and we worked on the questions:

    Thursday, January 26th

    (the twenty-sixth)

    Preparation of the final task: a job interview

    Roles: a candidate for a job and an employer.

    The employer asks questions to the candidate about his studies, his working experience and his personal interests.

    Activité langagière évaluée: Réagir et dialoguer 

    Compétences évaluées: 

    q Établir un contact social (saluer, se présenter, présenter quelqu'un...).

    q Dialoguer pour échanger / obtenir des renseignements

    q Échanger des informations.


    The employer’s questions:

    -       What’s your name and where do you live? >perso. Info

    Where have you studied?

    -       How long have you studied?             Studies/diplomas

    -       What diplomas do you have?

    Where have you worked?

    -       How long have you worked ...?        Working experience

    What are your hobbies?

    -       What languages do you speak?        Hobbies/languages

    How well can you speak it?  

    Why do you want to get this job?          Motivation


    On the next day, we worked on the preparation of the oral presentation that you will do at the end of the school year:

    Friday, January 27th

    (the twenty-seventh)


    Talk about your work experience for 2 – 3 minutes:

    When? From … to … (+ date)

    Where? I spent 5 days working at… (name + address)

    What sort of shop? Business? Office? Is it big or small? Local, national or international? What do they do / produce/ sell…? How many people work there?

    Working hours? I worked every day from ... till ... (+time)

    What did you do? I watched, I helped out, I advised customers (conseiller les clients), I designed, I cleaned, I sold, I stacked shelves (mettre en rayon), I took pictures...

    Who did you work with? Were the people helpful? Who was your mentor?

    Your opinion? Did you enjoy it? What did you learn? What didn’t you like?


    Would you like to do that job later on? (interesting, tiring, boring, a positive experience...)


    HOMEWORK: get ready for the oral presentation on Thursday morning 

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