• Hello everyone,

    During our last lessons, we learnt a lot of vocabulary.

    Here are the lessons:


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  • Hello everyone,

    During our last lessons, we started a new "sequence".

    Here is what we studied:

    New lesson: Health and food habits

    Wednesday, November 23rd

    (the twenty-third)



    This document is probably an advert or a poster for healthy food, for example fruit and vegetables.

    At the top, we can see the green colour and the slogan “Eat your colours every day”.

    At the bottom, we can see “5+ a day” (five or more a day).


    We can see a girl eating lettuce and tomatoes. She looks happy.


    After that, I gave you back your tests and we corrected exercises 4 and 5.

    Correction of the test: Ex 4:


    -       A spoonful/ a piece of sugar

    -        a cup/a glass / a bowl / a mug of tea

    -       A slice / a piece / a loaf of bread

    -       A bottle / a litre of water

    -       A slice / a plate of pizza

    -       A mouthful of cake

    -       A carton of milk

    Ex 5:

    -       A fried egg – hashbrowns – pancakes and syrup


    -       Cheese cake   -  a waffle – garlic bread – scampi 

    To finish, you did a group work: you had to scan through texts and find all the vegetables they contained. All of you had one colour.

    Then, we started listening to your lists of veggie but we didn't have enough time to finish this.


    HOMEWORK: revise the lesson on the advert again

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we listened to you and we looked at you as you were presenting your conversations to the class.

    We'll finish next time!

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  • Hello everyone,

    Yesterday, the lesson was divided in two parts:

    - one half with Charlotte, the language assistant. She made you rehearse/practice for your oral.

    - one half in class where you accomplished mission 1 and 2 to revise for your test.

    Here is the correction:

    Wednesday, November 16th

    (the sixteenth)

    Revisions for the English test


    Mission 1: Vous êtes 4 amis. Vous devez :

    -       Demander une table :

    I would like a table for four, please. / I want...

    Could/Can I have a table for four?

    -       Commander 2 bols de frites, 4 assiettes de langoustines, 1 bouteille d’eau minérale, 2 parts de gâteau au chocolat et 2 donuts.

    I would like two bowls of fries, four plates of scampi, one/a bottle of mineral water, two pieces of chocolate fudge cake and two donuts.

    -       Demandez le prix : How much is it, please?


    Mission 2 : Translate :

    Une brique de lait : a carton of milk – un verre de coca : a glass of cola – une cuillerée de sucre : a spoonful of sugar -  une boîte de thon : a tin of tuna – un tube de sauce tomate : a tube of tomato sauce -  un kilo de riz : a kilo of rice.


    For next time: finish your revisions for the test

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  • Hello everyone,

    As you know, we changed the plans to give you more time to prepare the final task.

    As we said, this is the planning:

    - Friday: English test

    - Tuesday 22nd: Oral of the final task.

    Get ready for the oral, finish your preparation and practice! happy

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