• Hello everyone,

    Today, we started the lesson with explanations about the American elections.

    We could talk to Charlotte, our American language assistant.

    We also watched a video to understand the election functioning:

    Next, you worked in groups to prepare you final task.


    Wednesday, 16th: Final task : ORAL

    Friday, 18th: English test

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we started the preparation of the final task:

    - we studied and wrote the instructions

    - we formed your groups

    - we gave solutions for the task:

    Tuesday, November 8th

    (the eighth)

    Final task N°2: instructions: at the diner

    Roles: a waiter/waitress, a manager, two customers.

    Situation: the customers are friends. They are ordering food. A problem takes place. The customers call the manager.

    What you need:

    Vocabulary (food, restaurants…)– Some, any + quantity – « would like » - politeness and acting – prices – accessories



    -      Bring the food (waiter):

    è Here is your burger / Here are your fries.

    -      “Enjoy your meal!”.

    -      Complain to the manager (customer):

    è Can I talk to the manager, please?

    è Polite: I would like to talk to the manager.

    è Direct: I want to talk to the manager.

    -      Ask for a table:

    è Affirmative: I would like a table for two, please.

    è Question: Could I have a table for 2, please?



    HOMEWORK: Wednesday:


    Learn the questions + Find a problem for your final task.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, first, we started with revisions on the pronunciation of the -ED ending in the preterit:

    Here is the lesson:

    Friday, November 4th

    (the fourth)

    Remember : pronunciation of –ED (preterit)

    La terminaison [ed] se prononce soit /t/, soit /d/, soit /id/.

    -      Après les sons /t/ et /d/, on prononce la terminaison /id/ : ex : wanted / decided

    -      Lorsqu’à la fin du verbe le son fait vibrer les cordes vocales (ex : earn), on doit prononcer la terminaison /d/ (car ce son vibre aussi).

    Ex : earn => earned

    -      Lorsque le son final du verbe ne vibre pas, on ajoute la terminaison /t/.

    Ex : pass => passed

    Exercise : Find the pronunciation of /ed/ :

    Lived /d/ – collided /id/– laughed /t/ – grasped /t/ – nodded /id/ – danced /t/


    Then, you discovered the final task instructions:

    Situation: at a diner

    Roles: two customers, a waiter/waitress + a manager

    - order food or take the order

    - have a conversation

    - invent a problem and call the manager


    Tuesday, 8th:


    Learn the pronunciations of /ed/ + examples

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  • Hello everyone,

    During our last lesson, you did two things: you went with Charlotte, the language assistant, and you also stayed with me to work on the movie extract.

    Here is the lesson:

    Wednesday, October 19th

    (the nineteenth)

    Events in the video and feelings


    1)The customer got a gun out of his bag because he was very angry / mad / furious.

    2)Then, he ordered lunch (he changed his mind). Rick seemed really scared / afraid / terrified.

    3) The customer looked at his burger and he seemed disgusted / disappointed because the burger was too flat/miserable.

    HOMEWORK: Friday 4th: GROUP 1: learn the lesson

    GROUP 2: copy and learn the lesson 



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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we worked on the transcript of the film "Falling Down".

    We watched the extract again and we filled in the blanks on a document.

    After that, we answered three questions.

    Falling Down: the transcript

    3 – “Him” et “me” sont des pronoms personnels complements


    I => me ; You => you ; He => him ; She => her ; It => It

    We => us; You => you; They => them.


    HOMEWORK: Wednesday, 19th : learn the pronouns (pronoms sujets et compléments) + expressions (1 de la feuille)




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