• Hello everyone,

    Here are the last lessons you had:

     Wednesday, March 23rd

    (the twenty-third)

    Cliches about French people

    React and change these sentences:



    1) Some French people love eating snails and frogs.

    2) Some of them don’t eat horse meat because they love these animals.

    3) Only elderly men wear a beret.

    4) All French women don’t wear fashion dresses but we care about fashion, in general.

    5) Sometimes, some French people drink wine but not all of them like it.

    HOMEWORK: 24th:

    è    Memorize 2 sentences: correction of French cliches

    Thursday, March 24th

    (the twenty-fourth)

    Past experience: Have you ever...?

    1)Have you ever crossed a desert?

    Yes, I have. I have already crossed a desert.


    No, I haven’t. I have never crossed a desert.


    Crossed est un participe passé. 



    Regular past participle -ED


    Irregular past participle



    Climb [klaim]





    Tree-top walk

    Crossed [t]

    Scuba-dived [d]

    Climbed [klaimd]

    Snorkelled [d]

    Sandboarded [id]

    Bungee-jumped [t]

    Mountain-biked [t]

    Tree-top walked [t]














    Make 2 questions and two personal answers (use the grid).


    HOMEWORK: 30th:

    -       Make 2 questions/2 answers (experience)


    -       Learn: structures (questions/réponses) + verbs

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we went to the computer lab to look for information on Nepal and Australia.

    We'll continue working on it next time, so bring your document with you!

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  • Hello everyone,

    Here is what we did today:

    Sending messages to Nepal!

    With your groups, you prepared answers to the questions asked by Nepalese students.

    Then, you practiced your pronunciation and got prepared for the video.

    After that, I filmed one or two reporters for each group.

    As I 'm talking to you right now, I'm uploading the videos to a folder shared with our partner in Nepal yes

    Isn't it motivating?

    No homework for you, kids!

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we talked about Nepal. Indeed, we are starting a school exchange program with a Motherland Higher Secondary School on Pokhara.

    You watched videos sent by Nepalese students and you will prepare answers to their questions:

    School exchange with Nepal!





















    HOMEWORK: for Wednesday 16th: write the questions of your group in your copybook + revise the lesson about Australia


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  • Hello everyone,

    Here is your last lesson:

    Thursday, March 10th

    (the tenth)

    Cliches/stereotypes about Australians

    Australia lesson 2: cliches/stereotypes


    1) All Australians wrestle crocodiles.

    ð   All of them don’t wrestle crocs because it’s highly dangerous! :/

    2) All Australians ride a kangaroo to go to school.

    ð   They drive to go to school or to work instead.

    3) All Australians can surf, play the didgeridoo and throw a boomerang.

    ð A lot of Australians can surf when they on the shoreline but not all of them live there.

    ð All Australians don’t practise traditional sports or instruments as the didgeridoo or the boomerang.


    HOMEWORK: Monday 14th: learn the vocabulary + 1 example with the correction 

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