• Hello everyone,

    This week, after the test, we started a new "sequence" about the environment.

    Here is what we did:

    Our planet


    Thursday, May 12th

    (the twelfth)

    Sequence: the environment and global warming


    Lesson 1: Our planet

    Its name is Earth. It is composed of seventy percent (70%) of water (seas, oceans, lakes, rivers...) and earth/dirt and minerals (rocks).

    Our major problem today is global warming.

    Our planet

    Indeed, glaciers are melting because of pollution which causes holes in the atmosphere/ozone layer.


    -       Eroded: érodé (usé par l’eau ou le vent)

    -       Storm drain : la bouche d’égout

    -       Stream banks : les rives (rivière)

    -       Leaks : fuites

    -       Sprinkler : jet d’eau/fontaine

    -       Throw : jeter

    -       Pour : verser

    -       Grass clippings : l’herbe coupée

    Now play the game again (you can click on the picture): PLAY

    Our planet



    HOMEWORK : Learn the lesson for Tuesday 17th (voc also)



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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we finished the revisions for the English test (yes, it's tomorrow).

    We read a text and you had to find all the superlatives in it.

    Then, you had to translate a text.

    Here is the correction:

    Ex 2 : Translate :

    1.   Je suis un(e ) aventurier(e ). J’ai déjà traversé deux déserts. Je suis déjà monté (e ) à dos de chameau trois fois (chameau=camel).

    I am adventurous. I have already crossed two deserts. I have already ridden a camel three times. 

    2.   J’ai déjà nagé avec des dauphins et des tortues sur la Grande Barrière de Corail une fois.

    I have already swum with dolphins and turtles on the Great Barrier Reef once. 

    3.   Et toi, as-tu déjà plongé (sous-marine)? As-tu déjà nagé avec des requins ? And you, have you ever scuba-dived ? Have you ever swum with sharks ?

    4.   J’adore l’Australie. C’est le plus beau pays au monde ! Et le monument le plus visité est Uluru. C’est le plus gros rocher d’Australie.

    5.   I love Australia ! It’s the most beautiful country in the world.


    6.   And the most visited monument is Uluru. It’s the biggest rock in Australia.

    HOMEWORK: revise for the test and finish your video

    PS: Elisa, this is a message for you: do you allow me to publish your dot paintings on the blog? Thank you :) They are wonderful!


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  • Hello everyone,

    This week, you worked in groups on the jobs you will apply for.

    I also presented you the criteria you'll have to fulfill to get a good mark and make a good video.


    Tuesday, 10: ENGLISH TEST: Australia (tout revoir sauf le Népal): savoir parler de son expérience et poser des questions en "have you ever?", donc revoir les participes passés.

    Il faut aussi bien revoir le superlatif ainsi que les éléments culturels sur l'Australie.


    Tuesday, 17: Date limite pour rendre la vidéo (elle pourra être rendue avant)


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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we started preparing the final task: a video application for a job.

    Here is what we did:

    Monday, May 2nd

    (the second)

    Preparation of the final task

    Apply for one of the best jobs in the world

    The Chief Funster will attend festivals, write reviews and be a Sydney VIP...

    The Taste Master will eat the finest produce, try the best bars and restaurants...

    The Wildlife Caretaker will wake up kangaroos and swim with dolphins and sea lions...

     The outback adventurer will travel around the continent, meet the locals and live new adventures every day.

    The lifestyle photographer will work for « time out » magazine, discover landscapes, create photo shoots and work with designer artists.

    The Park Ranger will check the water temperature, patrol beaches and leave only footprints.

    With your group, fill in a grid about your job:












    Homework: 03/05/2016: learn the description of your job.

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  • Hi everyone,

    Last time, we studied "dot painting" thanks to a video. You first listened to it and then you watched it.

    Here is what we did:

    Tuesday, April 26th

    (the twenty-sixth)


    Dot painting

    è What is dot painting ?

    è Describe the technique.

    è What major symbols are often represented in dot painting ? 

    Dot painting” is an unusual technique/way of painting used by aborigines. They only use dots.

    They use stick to put the paint on paper, rocks or leather and they represent animals, spirits, humans, travels or also ancestors.

    Dot painting


    HOMEWORK: learn the vocabulary and the symbols on the document + be able to talk about dot painting.

    Now, watch this video and try to do dot painting yourselves! Bring it back to school so we can use it as a poster to decorate the classroom, thanks!

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