• Hello everybody,

    Yesterday, we finished the correction of your flashtest:

    1) Ask for permission:

    Example: Could you step aside, please? Can I go to the nurse, please?

    2) Imagine what Nancy is going to think about.

    I guess / I believe / I suppose / I think / I imagine Nancy is going to think about a unicorn!

    We also prepared the final task:

    Le jour de l'oral, chaque élève tirera 3 papiers au sort:

    - une image: il faudra dire ce que les élèves doivent ou ne doivent pas faire.

    - une image: il faudra demander une permission.

    - un mensonge: il faudra se présenter en quelques phrases et inclure ce mensonge dans la présentation.

    -> ne pas oublier d'intervenir une fois pour corriger le mensonge d'un camarade.

    Your weekend's revisions:

    - get prepared for the English test

    - get prepared for the oral final task

    Je suis capable de:

    qÉnoncer les règles qu’il faut respecter. 
    qDemander la permission de faire quelque chose. 
    qMe présenter en incluant un mensonge. 
    Je fais des efforts pour:
    qPrononcer les mots. 


    qParler de manière fluide et claire. 
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  • Hello everyone,

    Yesterday, we did an activity called: "spot the lie".

    You had to write a message about yourself and include one or two lies in it.

    Here is what we wrote:

    Thursday, September 17th

    (the seventeenth)

    Spot the lie!

    Introduce yourself and include one or two lies.


    I’m William. I’m twenty years old. I live in Australia.

    I love going to school and I love doing my homework!

    I have got three crocodiles at home. Their names are Croco1, Croco2 and Croco3.

                                     => That’s a lie! You don’t like homework and school!

    Pour dire son âge: on utilise “be”. (I am twelve, she is eleven, they are thirteen).


    HOMEWORK : Monday 21st : correct the flashtest + learn the lesson.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Yesterday, you had your first flashtest (interro surprise). It was about asking for permission and talking about Nancy.

    Then, we continued working on Nancy's comic strip.

    Here it is:

    Tuesday, September 15th

    (the fifteenth)


    What Nancy is actually thinking about...

    Flashtest + Revelation about Nancy


    Actually, she is thinking about the explosion of her school.

                                                  her school blowing up/exploding.





    HOMEWORK: Thursday, 17th:


    Learn the lesson (Nancy/Actually) 

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  • Hello everyone,


    Here are our two last lessons :

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