
    Friday, March 2nd

    (the second)


    Caroline, Barbara’s best friend


    Caroline loves pasta and fruit.






    She doesn’t like fish and meat.






    She likes playing sports and listening to music.





    She needs a lot of fun to be happy.


    Memo: les verbes qui suivent un verbe de goût (ex :like…) prennent la terminaison –ing.


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  • Tuesday, February 6th

    (the sixth)

    Final task

    Create a game for the CM2


    -       Take a photo of you.

    -       Record your physical description.

    Friday, February 9th

    (the ninth)


    è     What time is it?

    è     It’s seven o’clock. [07:00]

    è     It’s quarter past two. [02:15]


    è     It’s half past two. [02:30]






    Monday, 26th:

    English Test (description physique: voc, “be”, “have”, questions, réponses courtes, négations, adjectifs)

    Cheveux: longueur  forme  couleur


    Tuesday, 27th:

    Final task (apprendre ses phrases pour se décrire soi-même)



    Final task :

    [I have] hair (3)/ eyes (2)/ face (1)/ mouth (2)/ nose (2)/ eyebrows (2)



    + [I am]height and built (2) 



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    Thursday, January 25th

    (the twenty-fifth)

    Dogs and their masters

    -       He is bald.

    -       He has black eyes.

    -       He has a round face.

    è     He looks like his dog.



    Listen and draw a face


    He has short curly grey hair.

    He has big green eyes.

    He has a big moustache.

    He has hairy eyebrows.

    He has a big pointed nose.

    He has a big smile.

    He has big ears.

    HOMEWORK: 26/01/2018: learn the lesson (he is bald...)


      Friday, January 26th

    (the twenty-sixth)

    Rhythm’n sounds

    Les diphtongues

    Une diphtongue: deux sons-voyelles côte à côte.

    [Fx] : nose, no, don’t.

    [ax]  : mouth, brown, round.

    [eF] : hair, pair, square.

    [eq] : straight, great, face.

    [aq] : my, eye, right.


    Exercise: group the words: fight – place – mouse – bear – five – blow – mate – show – cow – shy – rare - lake – so – loud – scare .

      [Fx] : ............... - ................. - ................

    [ax]  : ............... - ................. - .................

    [eF] : ............... - ................. - .................

    [eq] : ............... - ................. - .................

    [aq] : ............... - ................. - .................

    HOMEWORK: Monday, 29th: learn lesson (diphtongues)

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  • Thursday, January 18th

    (the eighteenth)

    SEQUENCE 6: Physical description


    Face (visage): hair (cheveux) – eyes [aiz] (yeux) – ears (oreilles)

                             Nose (nez) – mouth (bouche)

    Face shapes: round (rond) / square (carré) face.

    Hair : colours [blond/red/brown]

               Long / short (courts)

               Curly (bouclé) / straight (lisses)

    Body: small -> of medium height [hait] -> tall (grand)

                Not very strong -> strong -> very strong (très fort)

                Skinny (maigre) -> slim (mince) -> fat (gros)


    FRIDAY, 19th: tâche finale

    MONDAY, 22nd: learn the vocabulary (physical description)



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  • Here are your instructions for the final task:

    Preparation of the final task: leave a message after the beep!

    Hi! / Hello! It’s (name)! I’d like to go to the (place)

    ..next Wednesday / on Sunday afternoon / tomorrow / on Friday/  the day after tomorrow (après demain)... [DAY]

    ... after school, at 2:00 / 3:30... [HOUR] .

    -       It’s on  ............ road/street/avenue [ex: It’s on Fairfield Road]

    Indications: between, in front of... [ex: in front of the library]




    Voc: ice rink (patinoire) – the old town (la vieille ville) –


    tomorrow afternoon (demain après-midi)

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