• Hello everyone,

    Today, we studied place prepositions and we watched a video.

    Here are the video and the lesson:




    REMEMBER : Prepositions to locate people or things :

    In / inside, on, in front of, between, behind, next to / near, under

    Pour demander où se trouve quelqu’un ou quelque chose, on commence la question par : WHERE

    WHERE est un pronom interrogatif car il contient les lettres WH

    Example :

    Translate « où sont mes chaussures ? Elles sont à côté du canapé ».

    Where are my shoes ? They are next to the sofa.




    Tuesday: English test

    Thursday: learn the lesson

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  • Hello everyone,

    Before you can enjoy the weekend, you can read what we've done this week.

    Last time, it was your oral day. You all did the casting and it was good.

    You took notes on your classmates' castings and we corrected them.

    Here it is:

    Thursday, January 5th

    (the fifth)

    Final task: listening

    Group 1:


    -       (Maëliss) – Talents: speak Portuguese *  - draw a tree ** - sing X

    -       (Luna) – Talents: play the flute **  - speak Arabic * - play baseball X

    -       (Tifana) – Talents: play basketball **  - surf *** - fly *


    Group 2:

    -       (Thiên) – run *** - hit ** - fly X

    -       (Noé) – jump *** - swim ** - ski ***




    Then, we started working on a new document and we discovered a lot of vocabulary (people and adjectives) thanks to a listening:

    Friday, January 6th

    (the sixth)



    People and adjectives (listening)

    -       The jogger is tired and thirsty.

    -       The children are excited.clown

    -       The little girl is happy.^^

    -       The babysitter is scared.beurk

    -       The dog is surprised.eek

    -       The bird is hungry.

    -       The old man is angry.mad

    Tired: fatigue – Thirsty: assoiffé – Scared: effrayé

    Hungry: affamé – Angry: en colère.


    Monday, January 9th : Learn the lesson



    Tuesday, 10th: ENGLISH TEST (capacities and talents)

    -       Can / can’t

    -       Questions / réponses

    -       Vocabulaire (sports, talents...)

      Niveaux (how well + a little...)

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  • Hello everyone and happy new year!

    Today, in groups, you got ready for the final task and you prepared a part of your script:


    Tuesday, January 3rd

    (the third)


    The new year is:

    -       Twenty seventeen (2017 : 20  -  17).


    -       Two thousand and seventeen

    (2017 = 2 x 1000 + 17).

    First candidate, come in!

    Can you ski?

    Yes, I can.

    How well can you ski?

    I can ski very well!

    Can you dance?

    No, I can’t.

    How well can you dance?

    I can’t dance at all...


    Sorry, next...


    HOMEWORK: Thursday, 5th: ORAL (final task) : get prepared and revise

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  • Hello everyone,

    Here you can find all that we did during the last lessons:


    Tuesday, December 6th

    (the sixth)

    Time for grammar: capacities and talents

    -      Avec “can” et “can’t”, on parle de ce que l’on peut ou sait faire.

    -      « can » est un auxiliaire modal qui se place avant le verbe. Le verbe n’est pas conjugué (base verbale).

    -      « Can » se place toujours au début de la question.

    -      La version négative est « can’t » :

    c’est can + not = cannot.

    -      Les réponses courtes :

    ð Yes, I can

    ð No, I can’t.

    Exercise : Say it in English :

    a)          Elle sait jouer de la guitare mais elle ne sait pas chanter.

    She can play the guitar but she can’t sing.

    b)         Sais-tu faire de la danse classique ? Oui !

    Can you do ballet ? Yes, I can.

    c)           Sais-tu jouer au rugby ? Non…

    Can you play rugby ? No, I can’t.



    HOMEWORK : Thursday, 8th : learn the grammar lesson


    Thursday, December 8th

    (the eighth)

    Song: Can an elephant jump?

    ð Can an elephant jump? No, it can’t.

    Can an elephant fly? No, it can’t.

    Can an elephant walk? Yes, it can.

    ð Can a kangaroo walk? No, it can’t.

    Can a kangaroo run?  No, it can’t.

    Can a kangaroo hop? Yes, it can.

    ð Can an octopus hop?

    Can an octopus clap?

    Can an octopus swim?

    ð  Can a koala swim?

    Can a koala dance?


    Can a koala sleep? Yes, it can. WAKE UP!


    Friday, December 9th

    (the ninth)

    How well can you ... ?

    *** : very well. Ex: I can play the guitar very well.

    ** : quite well. Ex: He can play football quite well.


      *: a little (bit). Ex: I can read Arabic a little (bit).

    X : can’t ... at all. Ex: I can’t play videogames at all.


    HOMEWORK: Monday, 12th


    Revise all the verbs + learn “how well” and the levels.


    Monday, December 12th

    (the twelfth)

    VIDEO: The best pumpkin casting


    -      What can you do?

    -      Can you fly?

    -      Can you catch an elephant?

    -      Can you fight a monkey and a crocodile?

    -      Can you swim?

    -      Can you eat a tree?

    Pumpkin 1: ___________  ____________  ____________

    Pumpkin 2: ___________  ____________  ____________

    Pumpkin 3: ___________  ____________  ____________

    Pumpkin 4: ___________  ____________  ____________

    Pumpkin 5: ___________  ____________  ____________

    Homework: Tuesday, 13thLearn the questions.


    Tuesday, December 13th

    (the thirteenth)


    ·     Candidate number one can run, swim and jump but he can’t fly.

    ·     Candidate number two can climb, catch and throw a ball but she can’t catch an elephant.

    ·     Candidate number three can hit, kick and fight but he can’t fight a monkey and a crocodile.

    ·     Candidate number four can cry, walk and smile but she can’t swim.


    ·     Candidate number five can eat a tree, sleep, drink and eat.


    HOMEWORK: learn the sentences of two candidates.

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  • Hello everyone,

    This week, we started working on capacities and talents.

    Here are our lessons:

    Monday, December 5th

    (the fifth)

    Capacities and talents: “can” and “can’t”

    -      Anel can play football. YES


    -      Tifana can’t play basketball. X 

    Tuesday, December 6th

    (the sixth)

    Time for grammar: capacities and talents

    -      Avec “can” et “can’t”, on parle de ce que l’on peut ou sait faire.

    -      « can » est un auxiliaire modal qui se place avant le verbe. Le verbe n’est pas conjugué (base verbale).

    -      « Can » se place toujours au début de la question.

    -      La version négative est « can’t » :

    c’est can + not = cannot.

    -      Les réponses courtes :

    ð Yes, I can

    ð No, I can’t.

    Exercise : Say it in English :

    a)          Elle sait jouer de la guitare mais elle ne sait pas chanter.

    b)         Sais-tu faire de la danse classique ? Oui !

    c)           Sais-tu jouer au rugby ? Non…


    HOMEWORK : Thursday, 8th : learn the grammar lesson


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