Preparation of the final task
Hello everyone,
Yesterday, we corrected your flashtest.
Then, we wrote a lesson about locating people or objects.
Finally, I presented you the final task and you started the first draft.
Thursday, September 17th
(the seventeenth)
Date of the flashtest: Tuesday, September 15th
(the fifteenth)
Correction of the flashtest
e) Ca ne dérange pas Bob de jouer au baseball.
= Bob doesn’t mind playing baseball.
“es” : c’est la marque de la 3è personne du singulier.
Ing: le verbe qui suit un verbe de goût doit se terminer en –ING.
Revisions: locate objects or people
At the top
On the left <----- In the middle -----> On the right
At the bottom
Preparation of the final task
Create the first page of a blog about you.
First draft:
- 3 qualities + degrees
- 3 flaws + degrees
- 3 things you like
- 3 thinks you don’t like
- Monday 21st : learn lesson « locate » + revise voc/verbs etc.
Thursday 24th: ENGLISH TEST (tout ce qui a été fait)
Monday 28th: Final task (rendre blog)