• Hello everyone,

    Today, you had an English test!

    As you finished it early, we could do a part of the correction.

    Here it is:

    Monday, November 7th

    (the seventh)

    Correction of the test

    Ex 1:

    England -> London

    Scotland -> Edinburgh

    Northern Ireland -> Belfast

    Ireland -> Dublin

    Wales -> Cardiff

    Ex 2: Molly – English – 14 (fourteen)

              Greg – Australian – 12 (twelve)

              Liam – Irish – 18 (eighteen)


    United States of America = American

    Canada = Canadian

    Scotland = Scottish

    Wales = Welsh

    England = English

    Ex 4:

    -      Where are you from?




    Tuesday, 8th : learn the correction of the test (ex1 + ex 3)

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  • Hello everyone,

    Yesterday, you finished the preparation of the final task.

    You had to work on the casting director's role.

    Here are the steps you worked on:


    Speak to spectators



    Give the name of the show



    Welcome your guest



    Present him or ask him a question.




    Wednesday, 9th: ORAL of the final task


    Thursday 10th: ENGLISH TEST

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  • Hello everyone,

    During our last lessons, we prepared the test and the final task.

    Today, you had your first oral task and you used the MP3 players.

    Homework: revise for the English test on Monday 7th (countries, nationalities, languages, capitals, the verb "be", questions and answers)

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, first, we started with revisions on the pronunciation of the -ED ending in the preterit:

    Here is the lesson:

    Friday, November 4th

    (the fourth)

    Remember : pronunciation of –ED (preterit)

    La terminaison [ed] se prononce soit /t/, soit /d/, soit /id/.

    -      Après les sons /t/ et /d/, on prononce la terminaison /id/ : ex : wanted / decided

    -      Lorsqu’à la fin du verbe le son fait vibrer les cordes vocales (ex : earn), on doit prononcer la terminaison /d/ (car ce son vibre aussi).

    Ex : earn => earned

    -      Lorsque le son final du verbe ne vibre pas, on ajoute la terminaison /t/.

    Ex : pass => passed

    Exercise : Find the pronunciation of /ed/ :

    Lived /d/ – collided /id/– laughed /t/ – grasped /t/ – nodded /id/ – danced /t/


    Then, you discovered the final task instructions:

    Situation: at a diner

    Roles: two customers, a waiter/waitress + a manager

    - order food or take the order

    - have a conversation

    - invent a problem and call the manager


    Tuesday, 8th:


    Learn the pronunciations of /ed/ + examples

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, you formed your groups for the final task and you worked on the creation of your survival story:

    - When / where / who / what?

    - Introduction: present briefly the situation

    - Development:

    a) 3 key moments

    b) develop the story

    c) your feelings (les sentiments au moment où vous viviez cette histoire)

    - Conclusion

    a) your feelings about this story today

    b) If I started all over again, I would + BV (si je recommençais cette aventure, je ferais... / je serais...)


    HOMEWORK: (travail à se répartir dans le groupe) for Friday, 4th:

    Do the conclusion (one of you writes "a" and the other one works on "b")

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