• Hello everyone,

    Here are the instructions for your final task:

    Final task: Humans of Annecy

    Take a photo (of a person) and explain:

    -       Why you chose it

    -       Why you like it or not

    -       What / who you can see

    Write a story (1ère personne du singulier, preterit + présent, 3 structures vues en classe). 100 words.



    Homework: rendre la tâche finale (photo + texte)


    The lesson we worked on today:

    - we finished listening to "Empire State of Mind" and we filled in the gaps in the lyrics.

    - we finished talking about new year's resolutions:

    -> imagine your partner's resolutions

    -> give the resolution of someone in the class (guess who game).

    -> listen to the teacher's suggestions and guess who it is about.



    Tuesday, January 3rd

    (the third)

    New Year’s resolutions


    Read your partner’s thoughts and find three of his/her resolutions:

    Gentrit: I suppose he is not going to be shy anymore.


    Jules: I guess he is going to continue correcting what the teacher says J 

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, you did a reading task talking about food habits.

    Here are the texts:

    We also discovered new vocabulary:

    Tuesday, January 3rd 

    (the third)

    Happy New Year: it’s 2017

    -       Twenty seventeen


    -       Two thousand and seventeen


    Balanced: équilibré

    Amounts: quantities

    Iron: a metal (ex: Iron Man)

    Growth: la croissance

    Dairy products : they are made with milk (ex : cheese, yoghurts…)

    Décrire: describe - Bonbons: sweets - Chips: crisps - Dents: teeth            Sucré: sugary -  Nutritif: nutritious 

    1-Pineapple: ananas

    2-Beans: haricots

    3-Corn: maïs

    4-Grapes: du raisin

    5-Slice of bread: une tartine de pain

    6-Peanut butter: du beurre de cacahuette

    Wednesday, 4th:


    Learn all the vocabulary (doc + copybook)

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  • Hello everyone and happy new year!

    Today, in groups, you got ready for the final task and you prepared a part of your script:


    Tuesday, January 3rd

    (the third)


    The new year is:

    -       Twenty seventeen (2017 : 20  -  17).


    -       Two thousand and seventeen

    (2017 = 2 x 1000 + 17).

    First candidate, come in!

    Can you ski?

    Yes, I can.

    How well can you ski?

    I can ski very well!

    Can you dance?

    No, I can’t.

    How well can you dance?

    I can’t dance at all...


    Sorry, next...


    HOMEWORK: Thursday, 5th: ORAL (final task) : get prepared and revise

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