• Hello everyone,

    Today, we started a new chapter and we did a listening task and we looked at a picture.

    Here is what we wrote:

    Friday, January 6th

    (the sixth)


    Visiting a wax museum: Madame Tussaud

    We heard a conversation between two girls. One of them visited a wax museum named Madame Tussaud in London.



    Listen to the conversation and list the verbs:



    visited (visit)

    created (create)

    preferred (prefer)

    travelled (travel) : voyager



    was (be)

    went (go)

    took (take)

    told (tell) : raconter




    Tuesday, 10th: do the final task and give it back to me + learn the verbs (preterit + infinitive + French)

    Friday, 13th: ENGLISH TEST [séquence: health and food habits]

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  • Hello everyone,

    Before you can enjoy the weekend, you can read what we've done this week.

    Last time, it was your oral day. You all did the casting and it was good.

    You took notes on your classmates' castings and we corrected them.

    Here it is:

    Thursday, January 5th

    (the fifth)

    Final task: listening

    Group 1:


    -       (Maëliss) – Talents: speak Portuguese *  - draw a tree ** - sing X

    -       (Luna) – Talents: play the flute **  - speak Arabic * - play baseball X

    -       (Tifana) – Talents: play basketball **  - surf *** - fly *


    Group 2:

    -       (Thiên) – run *** - hit ** - fly X

    -       (Noé) – jump *** - swim ** - ski ***




    Then, we started working on a new document and we discovered a lot of vocabulary (people and adjectives) thanks to a listening:

    Friday, January 6th

    (the sixth)



    People and adjectives (listening)

    -       The jogger is tired and thirsty.

    -       The children are excited.clown

    -       The little girl is happy.^^

    -       The babysitter is scared.beurk

    -       The dog is surprised.eek

    -       The bird is hungry.

    -       The old man is angry.mad

    Tired: fatigue – Thirsty: assoiffé – Scared: effrayé

    Hungry: affamé – Angry: en colère.


    Monday, January 9th : Learn the lesson



    Tuesday, 10th: ENGLISH TEST (capacities and talents)

    -       Can / can’t

    -       Questions / réponses

    -       Vocabulaire (sports, talents...)

      Niveaux (how well + a little...)

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  • Hello everyone, 

    Today, we started a new "sequence" and we discovered a series entitled "Everybody hates Chris".

    You had to present the settings and the characters.

    Then, you explained what Chris wants and what he needs to have it and why.

    Everybody hates Chris!

    Here is the lesson:

    Wednesday, January 4th

    (the fourth)


    Two thousand and seventeen


    Twenty seventeen

    TV series: Everybody hates Chris


    The main character in this series is Chris. He is a teenager who is probably around fourteen years old and he lives in Brooklyn in New York City.

    He wants a new leather jacket to be like others and because he would look cool with this jacket.

    To buy the jacket, he needs money/ $50.

    To get money, he can find a job or ask his parents for an allowance. He can also sell his stuff.




    HOMEWORK: Thursday, 5th: learn the lesson (be able to explain everything)

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we worked on the preparation of the final task.

    You also met the assistant's brothers who came from America and you had a conversation with them.

    Here are the instructions for the final task and the planning:

    Wednesday, January 4th

    (the fourth)

    Final task: become a food coach

    Create a healthy lunch box menu (starter + main course + dessert + drink).

    Explain why it’s healthy. Be convincing and comment on your menu to get the job.


    -       Le vocabulaire vu pendant la sequence

    -       Les adverbes de fréquence (often…)

    -       Should + bv (conseils)


    Tuesday, 10th : do the final task


    Wednesday, 11th: English test

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  • Hello everyone,

    Thanks to those of you who worked during the holidays and sent me their work already.

    For those of you who were absent, here are the instructions again:

    Hello everyone,

    Here are the instructions for your final task:

    Final task: Humans of Annecy

    Take a photo (of a person) and explain:

    -       Why you chose it

    -       Why you like it or not

    -       What / who you can see

    Write a story (1ère personne du singulier, preterit + présent, 3 structures vues en classe). 100 words.



    Homework: rendre la tâche finale (photo + texte)

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