• Thursday, January 18th

    (the eighteenth)

    Video: Oliver Twist, the movie.

    This video is an extract from the movie “Oliver Twist” made by Roman Polanski and adapted from the novel by Charles Dickens.

    In this video, we can see a young orphan, Oliver Twist and many other boys. We can also see rich supervisors/gentlemen.

    The scene takes place in an orphanage in England (18th or 19th century).

    At the beginning, we can see gentlemen having dinner and eating a lot.

    Then, we discover children working in a factory.

    After that, we can see the dormitory.


    At the end, they are playing a game: they are drawing the short straw. 


    HOMEWORK: 22/01: learn information/voc/structures 

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  • Thursday, January 18th

    (the eighteenth)

    SEQUENCE 6: Physical description


    Face (visage): hair (cheveux) – eyes [aiz] (yeux) – ears (oreilles)

                             Nose (nez) – mouth (bouche)

    Face shapes: round (rond) / square (carré) face.

    Hair : colours [blond/red/brown]

               Long / short (courts)

               Curly (bouclé) / straight (lisses)

    Body: small -> of medium height [hait] -> tall (grand)

                Not very strong -> strong -> very strong (très fort)

                Skinny (maigre) -> slim (mince) -> fat (gros)


    FRIDAY, 19th: tâche finale

    MONDAY, 22nd: learn the vocabulary (physical description)



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  • Thursday, January 18th

    (the eighteenth)

    SEQUENCE 6: Physical description


    Face (visage): hair (cheveux) – eyes [aiz] (yeux) – ears (oreilles)

                             Nose (nez) – mouth (bouche)

    Face shapes: round (rond) / square (carré) face.

    Hair : colours [blond/red/brown]

               Long / short (courts)

               Curly (bouclé) / straight (lisses)

    Body: small -> of medium height [hait] -> tall (grand)

                Not very strong -> strong -> very strong (très fort)

                Skinny (maigre) -> slim (mince) -> fat (gros)


    FRIDAY, 19th: tâche finale

    MONDAY, 22nd: learn the vocabulary (physical description)



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  • Wednesday, January 10th

    (the tenth)

    Questions about Dickens’s life

    1) Birth:

    When / Where was he born?

    2) Job:

    What was his job?

    3) London:

    When / where did he move?

    4) Work:

    Where did he work?

    5) Celebrity/fame:

    When did he become famous?

    6) Children:

    How many children did he have?

    7) Divorce:

    When did he divorce?

    8) Death:

    When / How did he die?


    Exercise: say it in English:

    1) Quand s’est-elle mariée? When did she marry?


    2) Où sont-ils morts? Where did they die ?


    Blind test

    Charlie Chaplin:

    è     When was he born?

    He was born in eighteen eighty-nine (1889).

    è     When did he die?

    He died in nineteen seventy-seven (1977).

    è     How long ago did he die?

    He died forty-one years ago.


    HOMEWORK: 16/01/2018: learn the lesson.

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  • Here are your instructions for the final task:

    Preparation of the final task: leave a message after the beep!

    Hi! / Hello! It’s (name)! I’d like to go to the (place)

    ..next Wednesday / on Sunday afternoon / tomorrow / on Friday/  the day after tomorrow (après demain)... [DAY]

    ... after school, at 2:00 / 3:30... [HOUR] .

    -       It’s on  ............ road/street/avenue [ex: It’s on Fairfield Road]

    Indications: between, in front of... [ex: in front of the library]




    Voc: ice rink (patinoire) – the old town (la vieille ville) –


    tomorrow afternoon (demain après-midi)

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