• Hello everyone,

    Yesterday, I gave you back your tests and we corrected them.

    Here is the correction:



    a) In front of


    c) Under



    a) Angry


    c) Tired


    3: 1: the clothes shop   / 2: the library  / 3: the bin

    4: the street / 5: the benches / 6: the news agents


    1: He – She – I – They – We – It


    A: is – is – is

    B: am – are – are – aren’t



    Where is my book?

    Where are my shoes?


    After that, we played a "guess who" game.

    You had to write a description of a person and read it to the class.

    Pupils had to say who it was: example: this man is between the blond woman and the tall man.

    HOMEWORK: Monday, 6th:

    -        Sign the test


    -       Revise the correction (voc + pronoms + be)

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  • Hello everyone, 

    Last time you did the oral of your final task (leave a message) and you revised with me for your test.

    Today, we started a new "sequence" on physical description.

    We discovered a lot of vocabulary and we read texts and matched them with people:

    Hair: short/long, straight/wavy/curly, brown/blond/red...

    Eyes: blue/green/brown

    Face: hair + eyes + nose + mouth : square or round

    Height: small, of medium height, tall

    Body: skinny, slim, fat

    not very strong, strong, very strong



    Monday: Absent (réunion)

    Tuesday: TEST

    Thursday: learn the vocabulary

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  • Hello everyone,

    On Monday, we finished the preparation of the final task (Leave a message after the beep) and you worked in pairs to practice a little.

    On Tuesday, we played "Connect 4" and you formed two teams.

    We also used an animated picture to situate objects in a kitchen.


    - For Thursday: learn the phone message and practice (oral test).

    - For Tuesday 31st: English test (ce qui a été vu depuis le cours sur la babysitter, les enfants, le jogger...)

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  • Hello everyone,

    This week we started preparing the final task and we corrected your English test:

    Thursday, January 19th

    (the nineteenth)

    Preparation of the final task: 

    Leave a message after the beep!

    In your message, include:

    -      Hi! / Hello! – It’s (+name).

    -      I’d [aid] like to go to ... [a place]...

    ... next Saturday / on Tuesday afternoon / tomorrow after school ...

    ... at 2:00 / 3:30 (three thirty) / 4:45 (four forty-five)

    -      It’s [address + indications].

    -      It’s gonna be fun / great!

    -      Come along!

    -      Call me back!

    -      See you!

     HOMEWORK: Friday, 20th: learn expressions for the final task.

    Friday, January 20th

    (the twentieth)

    Correction of the test: capacities and talents


    Ex 1: A fish can swim but he can’t fly.

    Ex 2:

    c) How well can he draw?

    e) Can your mother surf?

    Ex 3: climb: escalader – ride a horse : faire du cheval

    Repair things : bricoler

    è    Can you play chess?

    è    Yes, I can.

    è    How well can you play chess?

    è    I can play chess a little.

    Ex 4: d: How well can you paint and draw?

    Ex 5: 

    c) Bob and Tim can play bowling extremely well.

    d) Sharks can swim very well but kangaroos can’t.

    Ex 6:

    Sleep (dormir) – Walk (marcher) – Run (courir)

    Hit (frapper) or fight (se battre) – jump or hop (sauter/bondir) – swing (se balancer)


    HOMEWORK: 23/01/17

    -      Faire signer le contrôle -      Apprendre la correction

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  • Hello everyone,

    On Tuesday, you had a test.

    On Thursday, we worked on this lesson:

    Thursday, January 12th

    (the twelfth)


    Les pronoms personnels sujets:

     I    -    You     -   He   /   She   /   It   >> Singulier

    We   -   You   -   They   >> Pluriel


    Exercise 1: Say it in English:

    a) Il est derrière la statue. He is behind the statue.

    b)Elles sont entre la table et le banc. They are between the table and the bench.

    c) Tu es sous l’arbre. You are under the tree.

    d)Nous sommes à côté de la poussette. We are next to/near the pram.

    Exercise 2 : Say it in French :

    e) The old man is in front of the statue.

    L’homme âgé est devant la statue.

    f)   The little girl is in the pram.

    La petite fille est dans la poussette.

    g) The bird is behind the bin.

    L’oiseau est derrière la poubelle.

    h)The dog is near the little boy.


    Le chien est près du petit garçon.


     On Friday, 13th, we did this:

     Friday, January 13th

    (the thirteenth)

    A shamrock, for luck.

    What’s the weather like today?

    Today, it’s snowy / the snow is falling.

    Other possibilities:

    -       It’s raining / the rain is falling.

    -       it’s windy / the wind is blowing.

    -       it’s sunny / the sun is shining.


    Locate places in town


    Where is the library?

    -       The library is next to the leisure centre in Fairfield Road.

    Where is the shopping centre?

    -       The shopping centre is in the Bentall Centre, it is in Clarence Street.

    Monday, 16th:


    Learn the lesson on ‘places in town’ [vocabulary + prepositions + where ]


    Monday, January 16th

    (the sixteenth)

    Listening task: phone messages


              NAMES                       PLACES                        TIMES

    -          Clare                         the library                  at 2 p.m.

    -          Kevin           leisure centre / pool              at 4 p.m. 

    Who would you like to meet?

    Example: I’d like to meet Peter at the Museum at 3:30.

    I’d like to meet Jennifer at the shopping centre at 2:30.

    I’d like to meet Jim at the sports shop at 3.

    I’d like to meet Kevin at leisure centre / pool at 4.

    I’d like to meet Clare at  the library at 2p.m. 




    17/01/2017:   learn 2 examples


    Tuesday, January 17th

    (the seventeenth)

    Grammar: les pronoms sujet, “Be” et “where”.


    è     Au singulier, en anglais, il y a 3 pronoms à la 3ème personne : he, she, it.

    è     Au pluriel, en anglais, il y a 1 pronom à la 3ème personne : they.

    è    Les questions qui contiennent le verbe « be » :

    Are you happy?       -       Am I sad?

    Structure: Verbe “be” + sujet + complément ?

    Where are you from?

    Structure :

    Pronom interrogatif ou mot en WH- + verbe “be” + sujet + complément ?



    HOMEWORK : Thursday, 19th :


    Learn the grammar lesson + revise « be »

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