• Hello everyone,

    To be ready for your oral task next Thursday  and your final task the week after, get some more information about Segway Tours in  other places : Ireland, San Francisco  for example.It's easy : just type Segway tour in San Francisco and you will get articles to read and videos to watch .


    C   U the day after 2morrow!



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  • Hello everyone,

    Yesterday, you had to start preparing your role play with other members of your group.

    Here are the information you have to keep in mind:


    Thursday, 12th: ENGLISH TEST (tout ce qui a été vu depuis le début de la séquence sur American diners).

    - some, any, expressions de quantité
    - vocabulaire de la nourriture, des repas...
    - would like
    Monday, 16th: ORAL, final task
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  • Hello everyone,

    Yesterday, we started discovering the instructions for the final task and we listened to phone conversations.

    Here is the document:

    And the instructions for the final task:

    HOMEWORK: Monday 9th: learn the four questions on the document

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  • Hello everyone,

    During the last lessons, we prepared the final task.

    You gave the class a lot of sentences that can be used to prepare the final task:

    Friday, November 6th

    (the sixth)

    Preparation of the final task 

    -       Time:

    What time will the party start? 

    -       Address:

    What is your address?

    Could you give me your address, please?

    Where will be the party? 

    -       The costume:

    I have an idea for my costume. Could I come to the party with my zombie costume?/ Could I dress up as a vampire?

    -       Drinks, food, activities:

    Will there be fruit juice?

    Can/Will we watch a horror movie?

    Can I bring sweets?

    -       Accepting the invitation:

    That’s kind of you / Sure! / That’s a good idea! / That sounds lovely!

    I would love to go/come to your party.


    Exercise: Translate in English

    1) J’adorerais apporter un gâteau d’Halloween!

    I would love to bring a Halloween cake.

    2) Voudrais-tu venir à ma fête ?

    Would you like to come to my party ?

    3) Est-ce qu’on mangera des bonbons ?

    Will we eat (infititif) sweets/candy ?

    4) Où habites-tu ? J’habite au 5 avenue Jean Jaurès à Lyon.

    Where do you live ? I live at number 5, Jean Jaurès Avenue in Lyon.




    Jeudi 12: Prep tâche finale : apprendre la leçon.

    Vendredi : Contrôle: sur tout depuis Halloween


    Mercredi 18 : Oral tâche finale

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we started a new lesson about a pet shop.

    First, we listened to a person speaking about her pet shop and we discovered the names of animals.

    Then, we created our own pet shop: In my pet shop, I have four kittens, nine goldfish, three parrots and two Guinea pigs.

    After that, we talked about "love/like/don't like/hate".

    Here is a game to revise the name of pets:


    Tuesday: English test

    Thursday: Oral

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