• Hello everyone,

    Today, we decided the dates for our future evaluations.

    We also corrected your homework and we finished with the preparation of the final task.

    Wednesday, December 9th

    (the nineth)

    Giving advice to pupils in 4e5


    Noam should sleep more during week nights.

    Irem should eat five pieces of fruit and vegetables more often.

    Enzo should try not to eat snack and sweets between meals more regularly.

    Justine, Noam and Ibrahim should eat more often before coming/going to school.


    Some pupils in the class shouldn’t go to fast food restaurants so often.

    They should go to these restaurants less regularly/ a little less often.



    Preparation of the final task : writing a letter to a friend


    Hello, hey, hi...


    -       Say your name, your age, the place where you live,

    -       How are you? Etc. (ask him/her if he/she’s OK...)

    -       Talk about school

    -       Family, pets...




    End of the letter:

    -       Espérer le voir bientôt, avoir de ses nouvelles (par courier ou autre), dire qu’on a hâte de le voir, faire des projets…

    See you soon, good bye my friend, I hope (pour espérer).


    HOMEWORK: Thursday, December 10th:


    Revise the lesson 

    Monday, December 14th: ENGLISH TEST

    -       Adverbes de fréquence

    -       Vocabulaire (legumes- Mr Crazy- leçon)

    -       Conseiller/reprocher (should/shouldn’t) + objectif: to/not to

    -       Groupes adverbiaux (more often...)

    Wednesday, December 16th: FINAL TASK


    Mêmes revisions que pour le contrôle

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we learnt how to make questions and answers to talk about frequency.

    Here is the correction:

    Wednesday, December 9th

    Frequency: questions and answers

    1)How often do you fix the breakfast?

    I fix the breakfast seven times a week.

    2)How often does she clear/set the table?

    She clears/sets the table twice a day.

    3) How often does he vacuum/hoover?

    He hoovers/vacuums six times a month.

    4) How often does your sister cook/help with the cooking?

    My sister cooks/helps with the cooking once a day.

    5)How often does your brother make the fire?

    My brother makes the fire three times a month.

    6)How often do your parents do the dusting?

    My parents do the dusting twelve times a year.

    7)How often do they take out the rubbish?

    They take out the rubbish four times a week.

    8)How often does your friend make his bed?

    My friend makes his bed ten times a month.



    HOMEWORK: Thursday 10th: learn the example of this exercise and revise expressions of frequency. 

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  • Hello everyone, 

    Yesterday, we did this:

    Tuesday, December 8th

    (the eighth)

    Correction of the exercise

    1) How often do you fix the breakfast?

    I fix the breakfast seven times a week.

    2) How often does she clear/set the table?

    She clears/sets the table twice a day.

    3)How often does he vacuum/hoover?

    He vacuums/hoovers six times a month.

    4)How often does your sister help with the cooking/cook?

    My sister helps with the cooking/cooks once a day.

    5)How often does your brother make the fire?

    My brother makes the fire three times a month.

    6)How often do your parents do the dusting?

    My parents do the dusting twelve times a year.

    7) How often do they take out the rubbish and recycling?

    They take out the rubbish four times a week.

    8)How often does your friend make his/her bed?

    My friend makes his/her bed ten times a month.


     Then, we worked on a funny activity (we'll continue next time): create a robot that can help you with the housework.




    -       Thursday 10th: revise the correction of the exercise


    -       Monday 14th: English test [Cinderella]

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  • Hello everyone,

    Yesterday, we prepared the final task.

    I gave you an example, and then, you practised with your group and we listened to group 1 who volunteered to act in front of the class.

    Here is what you have in your copybook:

    Tuesday, December 8th

    (the eighth)

    Final task preparation: group work


    N°1: name: ..........................

    N°2: name: ..........................

    N°3: name: ..........................

    N°4: name: ..........................

    Director: name: ..................


    First candidate, come in! Can you sing?

    Ø Yes, I can.

    How well can you sing?

    Ø I can sing a little.

    Can you dance?

    Ø Yes, I can.

    How well can you dance?

    Ø I can dance very well.

    Can you fly?

    Ø No, I can’t.

    How well can you fly?

    Ø I can’t fly at all.

    Sorry, next candidate!



    HOMEWORK: Thursday 10th: Learn the questions from the lesson + director’s speech

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  • REvise your sports and activities vocabulary: CLICK HERE

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