• Monday, November 6th

    (the sixth)

    Les pronoms personnels compléments

    Exercise (translate in English):

    Ex : Il lui parle (à une fille) : He is talking to her.

    a) Je te parle. >> I am talking to you.

    b)Elle lui parle (à un garçon).

    >> She is talking to him.

    c) Je leur parle. >> I am talking to them.

    d)Vous me parlez. >> You are talking to me.

    e) Ils vous parlent. >> They are talking to you.


    HOMEWORK : Tuesday, 7th:

    Learn the pronouns (pronoms suj + compl)

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  • Monday, November 6th

    (the sixth)

    Let’s describe actions

    -      Number one:

    He is getting a gun out of his bag.

    -      Number two:

    He is ordering breakfast.

    -      Number three:

    He is looking at his burger.

    -      Number four:

    He is comparing his burger with the burger on the poster.

    -      Number five:

    They are feeling bad / sorry / disappointed.


    [on the left / on the right]

    [at the top / at the bottom]

    [in the middle]

    Preparation of final task N°2

    At the diner

    -       Roles: customers, a waiter/waitress and a manager. 

    -       Situation: a conversation in a diner. 

    Include: un problème, jouer son rôle, some et any + expr. de quantité, politesse, would like, les prix, vocabulaire (nourriture, boissons)…

    Actions :

    -       1) Demander une table

    -       2) Commander

    -       3) Conversation (entre amis)

    -       4) Servir

    -       5) Demander si ça s’est bien passé

    -       6) Demander l’addition + prix


    -       7) Problème + manager


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  • Friday, October 20th

    (the twentieth)

    Les pronoms personnels compléments

    I -> me / you -> you / he -> him / she -> her / it -> it

    We -> us / you -> you / they -> them

    Exercise: ex: Je te parle: I’m talking to you.

    a)  Elle me parle: She is talking to me.

    b) Il leur parle: He is talking to them.

    c)  Vous nous parlez: You are talking to us.

    d) Tu lui (animal) parle: You are talking to it.



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  • Wednesday, October 18th

    (the eighteenth)

    What really happened?


    Finally, the customer:

    -       got (get) a gun out of his bag.

    -       became (become) furious.

    -       didn’t order breakfast.

    -       had lunch / ordered from the lunch menu.

    Le prétérit

    -       Les verbes réguliers se terminent en –ED: prononciation:

    [t] danced  -  [d] ordered[id] wanted

    - Les verbes irréguliers sont différents, il faut les apprendre.

    - Pour les négations et les questions, on ajoute l’auxiliaire « did » :

            -> He didn’t leaveDid he leave ?


                                    BV                    BV

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