• Hello everyone, 

    Last time, we started working on the movie "Oliver Twist".

    Thursday, January 21st

    (the twenty-first)

    Oliver Twist, the movie by Roman Polanski



    In this extract, the scene takes place in an orphanage.

    We can see a lot of children, mostly boys, but the main character is Oliver Twist.

    They are very poor, they don’t have enough food. So they are hungry.

    Oliver drew the short straw and he lost. He had to go and ask for more food. He ran because the supervisor wanted to hit him with a stick.



    HOMEWORK: 25/01: learn the lesson (info, voc, verbs) 

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today we worked on a blind test. You had to find the names of the celebrities and guess how long ago they died.

    Here is the lesson we wrote:

    Wednesday, January 20th

    (the twentieth)


    BLIND TEST: How long ago  did he die?


    Blind test: how long ago did he die?

    è     When was he born?

    He was born in nineteen fifty-eight (1958).

    è     When did he die?

    He died in 2009.

    è     How long ago did he die?

    He died seven years ago.

    Do the same with: Marylin Monroe - 1926 - 1962


    HOMEWORK: Thursday 21st: Learn the lesson “how long ago” + finish the exercise.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Here are our last two lessons:


    Thursday, January 14th

    (the fourteenth)

    How to make a question in the preterit


    Pour construire des questions commençant par un mot en WH-, il y a deux possibilités :


    1)  Certaines questions se forment avec le verbe/auxiliaire « be ».

    Il se conjugue « was » aux personnes : I, he, she, it.

    Il se conjugue “were” aux personnes: you, we, they.

    On utilise “was/were” quand il n’y a pas d’autre verbe dans la question.

    Ex :

    ð Where was he born ?

    ð Where were you born ?


    2)  Certaines questions se forment avec l’auxiliaire « do », qui devient « did ». Ce « did » est un outil qui ne veut rien dire.

    On l’utilise quand il y a un autre verbe dans la question.

    Ex :

    ð What did he like ?



    HOMEWORK : 18th : learn the grammar lesson about questions.




    -       Comment forme-t-on des questions au prétérit ?

    -       Donne les deux constructions vues en classe :

    ð en les expliquant

    ð en donnant des exemples à chaque fois.

    1)Exemples de questions en français à traduire :

    Où est-il né ?

    Que faisait-il ?

    Quand est-il mort ?

    Qui a-t-il épousé ?


    Quel était son métier ?

    Monday, January 18th

    (the eighteenth)



    Queen Elizabeth II

    Queen Elizabeth II in 1952, she was 26 years old.

    -       When was she born? She was born on the twenty-first (21st) of April, nineteen twenty-six (1926).

    -       When was she crowned? She was crowned on the 6th of February, 1952.

    -       What does she do? What is her job? She is the Queen of England.

    -       Is she married? Who did she marry? She married Prince Philip 69 years ago.

    -       How many children did she have? She had four children (Ann, Edward, Andrew, Charles).


    HOMEWORK: 20/01/2016: learn the lesson 

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  • Hello everybody,

    Today, we created a lot of questions to talk about Charles Dickens's life. We wrote them in the preterit.

    We used pronouns (what, when...), auxiliaries (was, did).

    Questions about Dickens's life

    Questions about Dickens’s life


    1)  What did he do/write?

    What was his job?

    2)  When and where was he born?

    3)  Where did he move? When did he move to London?

    4)  Where did he work? How old was he?

    5)  When did he become famous?

    6)  How many children did he have?

    7)  When did he divorce?

    8)  When did he die?


    HOMEWORK:  Thursday 14th: learn questions 2/5/8 

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  • Hello everyone and Happy New Year,

    Read your lessons, please!

    Monday, January 4th 2016

    Two thousand and sixteen/Twenty sixteen 

    Correction of the English test

    Ex 1:


    Mrs Crazy always has mouldy eggplant because she loves having a stomachache.

    She sometimes eats frozen cauliflower to have frozen teeth.


    She shouldn’t eat out of date cauliflower not to be sick.

    She should practise sports not to be fat.

    c)   Périmé: out of date / moisi: mouldy / gras: fat / malodorant: smelly / congelé: frozen / toujours: always/

    La santé: health / être en forme: be in good shape/be in good health/be fit.


    Exercise 2






    I rarely eat leeks for lunch.

    I often eat asparagus for dinner.

    Ex 3:

    She said/says people should practise sports at least sixty minutes a day.

    She says American people should take the stairs instead of/rather than the elevator.


    HOMEWORK: Wednesday, January 6th: revise the correction of the test

    Wednesday, January 6th

    (the sixth)


    Madame Tussaud museum in London

    On the photo, we can see four people:

    -       Queen Elizabeth II (the second) is in the middle,

    -       Prince Charles, the Queen’s son, is on the left,

    -       Prince Philip, the Queen’s husband, is on the right,

    -       The hairdresser is combing the Queen’s hair.

    They are all wax statues except for the hairstylist.

    The scene takes place / The scene is set in Madame Tussauds museum.


    HOMEWORK: Thursday 7th: Learn information/vocabulary from the lesson.



    On Thursday, we matched biographies with photos of celebrities.

    Then we collected verbs in a grid: the simple past/le prétérit.

    HOMEWORK: Monday, 11th:

    Wrote, adopted, began, divorced, died, married, had: trouver l’infinitif et les classer dans le tableau


    + learn the verbs in the grid.

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