• Hello everyone,

    Today, we started correcting the webquest about Halloween.

    Here it is:

    Tuesday, November 3rd

    (the third)

    Correction of the webquest about Halloween


    1-         When is Halloween celebrated?

    Halloween is celebrated on the thirty-first (31st) of October.

    2-        What are the origins of Halloween?

    It comes from “All Hallows Even” and it dates back to medieval Britain.

    3-        When was New Year celebrated?

    New Year was celebrated on the first (1st) of November.

    4-        When was November 1st made a national holiday and why?

    It was made a national holiday in 835AD to honour all the Saints.

    5-        Give some other names for Halloween:

    Other names for Halloween: Samhain and All Hallows Even.

    7-        Why did people build Bonfires?

    They built Bonfires to frighten the spirits away (effrayer les esprits).

    8-        What were “soul cakes”?

    People made “soul cakes” in exchange for prayers for their dead relatives. It was called souling.



    8- What are “Jack O’ Lanterns”? It is a carved pumpkin with a face and a candle/lantern inside.

    9-     In Mexico, they celebrate “El Dia De Los Muertos” or “the Day of the Dead” which starts on October 31st.


    HOMEWORK: Thursday 5th: learn all about the preterit and read the correction of the webquest.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we continued working on the preterit.

    Here is the lesson:

    Pronunciation: [ed] : se prononce soit [t], soit [d], soit [id].


    -       [id] : example : wanted. (want)

                                 Decided (decide)

    Lorsque le verbe à l’infinitif se termine par le son [t] ou le son [d], on ajoute le son [id].


    -       [d] : quand le son final du verbe fait vibrer les cordes vocales, on ajoute le son [d] (qui fait aussi vibrer les cordes vocales). Ex : arrived (arrive)



    - [t] : quand le son final du verbe ne fait pas vibrer les cordes vocales, on ajoute le son [t] (qui ne fait pas vibrer les cordes vocales non plus). Ex : passed (pass)  [t]


    Click here : Preterit verbs

    Homework: learn the preterit pronunciation (t, d, id)

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  • Thursday, October 15th

    (the fifteenth)

    Second tradition: GUISING

    Children wore costumes and      told poetry or jokes or sang in

               (wear/porter un vêtement) (tell/dire, raconter)

    exchange for money, food and wine.




    The preterit

    Il sert à parler d’un événement passé, terminé.

    -       Les verbes réguliers : ils portent la terminaison –ed.

    Ex : wanted : l’infinitif « want » + la terminaison –ed.


    -       Les verbes irréguliers : il faut les apprendre.

    Ils se conjuguent chacun différemment.

    Ex : wear devient wore.


    -       Les verbes réguliers et irréguliers restent conjugués de la même façon à toutes les personnes.


    ð Exception : le verbe « be » (être)

    I, he, she, it: was

    You, we, they: were


    Exercise: form the verb in the preterit:

    1)She was (be) absent yesterday.

    2)We were (be) late this morning...

    3)I was (be) sick last week.

    4)My mother visited (visit) London during her holidays.

    5)My friends talked (talk) to the President of the U.S.A.

    6) My brother was (be) happy when he received (receive) his present.


    Pronunciation of –ED

    -       Le son [id]: ex: visited / exploded.

    Quand le verbe à l’infinitif termine par le son [t] ou [d], on ajoute le son [id].


    HOMEWORK : Monday, November 2nd :


    -       Learn the lesson (preterit + learn the verbs) 

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  • Hello everybody,

    Yesterday, we worked on the computers.

    You had to do a webquest: search information about the history of Halloween on the internet.

    Here is our document, finish it at home if possible:

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