• Hello everyone,

    After reciting the lesson, I gave you back your English tests.

    1: Those of you who had a score under 15 on 20 had the possibility of working on the correction, with the copybook, and might be able to get a bonus if the correction is well done.

    2: The pupils who got between 15 and 20 collected the scores of the casting documents.

    3: After that, when you had finished all the activities, you had to present 1, 2 or 3 candidates (written paragraph in your copybooks).


    See you soon!


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  • Hello kids,

    Today, you finished your show. It was great. You read poems, sang, danced, did magic tricks, drew...

    Then, we started a new "sequence" and watched the credits of a TV show called House Hunters International.

    No homework for next time!

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  • Hello everyone,

    Last time, we started the final task: R Blanchard's got talent!

    We'll continue next time!

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, you had your English test.

    Tomorrow, we will work one more lesson on the preparation of the final task because I was absent last Tuesday.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we made a list for the revisions needed for the English test:


    Then, we prepared the final task: Raoul Blanchard's got talent!

    Monday, February 29th

    (the twenty-nineth)

    Revisions for the English test

    -       Exprimer son opinion: I guess...

    -       Prédire ce qui va se passer: WILL + base verbale

    -       La personnalité: adjectifs : messy…

    -       Questions/réponses sur l’identité de quelqu’un (nom, âge, origine…)

    -       Exprimer son intention/sa volonté : want (que quelqu’un fasse quelque chose : I want Y to eat chocolate).

    -       Parler de ses goûts (verbes, phrases +, -, ?)

    Final task

    Raoul Blanchard has got talent

    Roles: candidates, members of the jury, family/friends



    è     Candidate: answer the jury’s questions (identity, personality, tastes)

    Present your talent.

    è     Jury: ask questions to the candidates

    Ask them why they participate.

    Say thank you. Talk about your feelings.

    Say they are selected.


    Jury’s questions:

    What’s your name?

    How old are you?

    Where do you live? Where are you from?

    Who did you come with?

    Why did you come to this show?

    What are you like? (personnalité)

    What do you like (doing)? (gouts)



    HOMEWORK: 01/03/16: 5e2: learn the questions of the jury. 

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