• Hello everyone,

    Today, we continued working on the second part of the video (an extract from the film "Falling Down").

    Here is what we wrote:


    Finally, the customer:

    - became furious

    - got his breakfast

    - got a gun out of his bag

    - didn't punch the manager

    - didn't spit on the waitress

    - ordered from the lunch menu

    - didn't leave


    HOMEWORK: For Tuesday, 18th:

    In the lesson: learn the verbs in the preterit, learn the vocabulary and the negations.



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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, you met Charlotte, our new language assistant. You asked her a lot of questions.

    Then, we worked on the second part of the video (Falling Down).

    Before watching it, we imagined what would happen next.

    Here is what we wrote:

    Wednesday, October 12th

    (the twelfth)


    Charlotte’s presentation


    She is twenty-one years old. She is American and she comes from Vermont.

    She can ski and play lacrosse.

    She has a black dog. Its name is Bo. It’s a he.

    She has two brothers, Ben and Henry.

    She likes eating Thai food, Chinese food and Japanese food.

    She likes practicing yoga.


    This is lacrosse:

    Meet the assistant + video part 2



    Video: Falling Down – part 2


    I think / I believe / I suppose / I guess / I imagine the customer will:

    - become furious.

    - punch the manager.

    - get his breakfast.




    HOMEWORK: Friday, 14th: learn the lesson (video part 2) 

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  • Hello everyone,

    Last time, we finished listening to the conversation taking place in a restaurant.

    We worked on questions.

    Then, we started working on a movie extract (Falling Down) during which a customer wants to order breakfast in a diner.

    Here is the lesson:

    Tuesday, October 11th

    (the eleventh)

    Ordering food in a restaurant: questions 

               WAITER                                          CUSTOMER

    Are you ready to order?                                What kind of soup is the soup of the day?

    What would you like to know?                       What kind of vegetables is served with the fish?

    How about you, Madam?                               Is the ice-cream really homemade?

    Would you like to order dessert? 

    Anything to drink?

    Would you like tea or coffee afterwards?


    Falling Down : video 1

    There are three main characters:

    - Sheila, the waitress,

    - Rick, the manager,

    - the customer.

    The customer wants to order breakfast but breakfast time is over.

    The waitress and the manager want the customer to order lunch because it is eleven thirty-four (11:34).


    HOMEWORK: Wednesday, 12th: learn the lesson 

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we continued working on "some" and "any".

    Are there any tomatoes?

    Would you like some water?

    There isn't any milk.

    Then, we practiced chain-speaking to order some food.


    Conversation (restaurant):

    -> What would you like to order?

    -> I’d like a carton of fries.



    HOMEWORK: learn some and any + would like / ‘d like 


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  • Hello everyone,

    During our last lessons, we worked on countables and uncountables.

    Here are the lessons we wrote:

    Countables (dénombrables)/ Uncountables (indénombrables)



    - a glass of mineral water.

    - a bottle of wine.

    - a piece of cake

    - a cup of coffee

    - a slice of bread

    - a spoonful of sugar


    Homework: Wednesday, 5th : Learn the quantifiers (ex: a glass of...)


    Here, you can learn more quantifiers:

    - a plate of

    - a tin of

    - a can of

    - a carton of

    - a kilo of

    - a litre of

    - a loaf of

    - a scoop of 

    - a packet of

    - a tube of

    Then, we discovered "some" and "any":

    Wednesday, October 5th

    (the fifth)

    SOME and ANY


    Je suis sûr  

    qu'il y en a  

    Je suis sûr  

    qu'il n'y en a pas  

    Je ne suis pas sûr  

    qu'il y en ait  

    Ce que je peux compter  

    There are SOME biscuits. 

    Would you like SOME  biscuits? 

    There aren't ANY biscuits.  

    Are there ANY  biscuits?  

    Ce que je ne peux pas compter  

    There is SOME orange juice. 

    Would you like SOME orange juice ?  

    There isn't ANY  orange juice.  

      Is there ANY  orange juice ?


    HOMEWORK: Friday, 7th: memorize the new expressions (ex: a tin of...)

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