• Hello everyone,

    Today, we practised a lot for your final task!

    Thursday, November 5th

    (the fifth)

    Oral preparation


    -        Intonation montante: en fin de question, l’intonation “monte” (la voix monte) car on veut connaître une information. Le discours reste ouvert.




    Example: Where are you from ?


    -        Intonation descendante: dans une réponse, l’intonation descend (la voix devient plus basse), on referme le discours ou le sujet qu’on abordait. 




    Example : I’m from Nigeria. 



    Revisions for the English test on Tuesday, November 10th

    -        Countries, cities, nationalities, languages, flags, maps, capitals...

    -        “be”, “live” and “lives” + pronouns (I, you...)

    -        Questions and answers (questions/réponses)

    -        Grammar: “does” (Time for grammar document).


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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, despite the special conditions, we managed to prepare the final task.

    Here it is:

    American diners 


    Situation: Act out a conversation at your diner.  

    Roles : two customers, a waiter/waitress, a manager. 

    What you have to include in your conversation: 

    -       Ordering food and taking the order. 

    -       An informal conversation between friends. 

    -       Typical American food. 

    -       A problem (call the manager). 

    Don’t forget! 


    Vocabulaire (nourriture, restaurants…)– Some, any et les expressions de quantité – « would like » - la politesse – jouer son rôle – demander et donner un prix… - Il est possible d’apporter des accessoires! 

    Then, we started writing some ideas to prepare it.

    For example: Good morning/afternoon/evening, welcome!


    Thursday, November 5th: prepare 4 sentences to include in your conversation.

    Thursday, November 12th: English TEST (all from diners to today)

    Monday, November 16th: FINAL TASK: ORAL

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we studied mathematics in our English lesson.

    With your math teacher, I prepared problems talking about a Halloween party that you have to organize.

    So, today, you had to understand two problems, discover math vocabulary in English and work in groups of 4. 

    Of course, you had to communicate in English only and you did it well! yes

    Here are your documents:

    PROBLEMS (click on it)

    VOCABULARY (click on it)

    If you like math in English, you can practice a little more and watch these videos:



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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we started preparing the final task about customs and immigration.

    Here is the lesson you will use to get prepared for the conversation:

    Tuesday, November 3rd

    (the third)

    Preparation of final task 2

    At the customs

    Roles: a customs officer and a secret agent with a false identity.

    Situation: a conversation about the secret agent’s identity.


    -       Welcome to London!

    -       What is your passport number? My passport number is... 


    -       What is your name/first name/surname? Can you spell it, please? My name is.... , (spell your name).


    -       What is your nationality? I am (+ nationality). 

    -       Where are you from? I am from (city+country).

    -       How old are you? I am (+ age).

    -       Could I see your passport? (give your passport)

    -       Do you wish to declare anything? No! I don’t have anything to declare!

    -       Enjoy your stay!


    -       Thursday 5th: learn the questions (colonne de gauche)

    -       Tuesday 10th: ENGLISH TEST


    -       Thursday 12th: ORAL: final task 

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we started correcting the webquest about Halloween.

    Here it is:

    Tuesday, November 3rd

    (the third)

    Correction of the webquest about Halloween


    1-         When is Halloween celebrated?

    Halloween is celebrated on the thirty-first (31st) of October.

    2-        What are the origins of Halloween?

    It comes from “All Hallows Even” and it dates back to medieval Britain.

    3-        When was New Year celebrated?

    New Year was celebrated on the first (1st) of November.

    4-        When was November 1st made a national holiday and why?

    It was made a national holiday in 835AD to honour all the Saints.

    5-        Give some other names for Halloween:

    Other names for Halloween: Samhain and All Hallows Even.

    7-        Why did people build Bonfires?

    They built Bonfires to frighten the spirits away (effrayer les esprits).

    8-        What were “soul cakes”?

    People made “soul cakes” in exchange for prayers for their dead relatives. It was called souling.



    8- What are “Jack O’ Lanterns”? It is a carved pumpkin with a face and a candle/lantern inside.

    9-     In Mexico, they celebrate “El Dia De Los Muertos” or “the Day of the Dead” which starts on October 31st.


    HOMEWORK: Thursday 5th: learn all about the preterit and read the correction of the webquest.

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