• Hello everyone,

    Today, you prepared your final task with your group.

    We'll revise for the English test on Thursday!


    Monday 16th: English test

    Tuesday 17th: Oral


    Ne pas oublier de faire signer l'autorisation pour que je vous filme (pour mieux vous évaluer). yes

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today you had your second English test:

    For Thursday, you have to get prepared for your oral conversation!

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, you finished preparing your final task.

    Now, you have to continue working outside the classroom.

    Here are the criteria for the evaluation:

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  • Hello everyone,

    Tdoay, we started the preparation of your final task.

    HOMEWORK: prepare 4 sentences to include in your conversation

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we started the preparation of your final task.

    Monday, November 9th

    (the nineth)

    “Would like”, “want”


    Exercise: Translate in English

           1) J’adorerais apporter un gâteau d’Halloween!

          I would love to bring a Halloween cake !

           2) Voudrais-tu venir à ma fête ?

     Would you like to come to my party?

           3) Est-ce qu’on mangera des bonbons ?

    Will we eat candy/sweets?

           4) Où habites-tu ? J’habite au 5 avenue Jean Jaurès à Lyon.

    Where do you live? I live at number five, Jean Jaures avenue in Lyon.


    Tuesday 10th: learn the correction of the exercise.

    Monday 16th: TEST


    Tuesday 17th: ORAL 

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