• Hello everyone,

    Last time, we corrected your English test.

    For your homework, you had to finish the correction and sign the test with your parents.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, I gave you back your English tests and we corrected them.

    Here it is:

    HOMEWORK: learn the correction of exercise 1 (verbs + prepositions)

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  • Hello everyone,

    This week, you had your first English test.

    Then, with your groups, we started working on agreeing/disagreeing.

    Here are the phrases we studied:

    Then, you acted out conversations between parents and teenagers who had t debate about a request from the teen.

    HOMEWORK: pick five new phrases from the "disagree" list and learn them.

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  • Hello everybody,


    These days, we started a new topic, American diners.

    Today, we learnt plenty of new words dealing with the food we can order at a diner.

    Here are your documents:


    Friday, September 23rd

    (the twenty-third)


    Attention: ne pas confondre:

    -       Diner  (the restaurant)


    -       Dinner (le dîner)



    Drinks or beverages:

    -       Orange juice

    -       Lemonade

    -       Mineral water

    -          Diet    cola


    -       Coffee 

    Desserts : (les « ss » se prononcent [z])

    -       Toffee pudding

    -       Cheesecake

    -       Waffle

    -       Donut

    -       Pancakes and syrup

    -       Chocolate fudge cake

    Sides :

    -       Fries

    -       Burger

    -       Onion rings

    -       Chicken wings

    -       Garlic bread

    -       Hot dogs

    -       Chili bowl

    -       Scampi      - hashbrowns

    Breakfast food :

    -       Bacon

    -       Toasts

    -       Omelette

    -       Fried egg

    -       Scrambled eggs

    -       (pancakes and syrup)

    -       Donuts


    HOMEWORK : Tuesday 27th :learn breakfast food and sides


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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, you had your first English test.

    Even if it was interrupted with the fire alarm, you had plenty of time to finish it.

    No homework!

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