• Hello everyone,

    With your groups, we worked on the preparation of the final task, a Fakebook profile.

    You prepared information:

    - Your name (real name, fake identity or an existing person)

    - Information about your identity

    - Your posts (including: your personality, your tastes and other elements from the quiz).


    Thursday 22nd: ENGLISH TEST (tout ce qui a été fait depuis le début)

    Friday 23rd: send an e.mail to Mrs Vianey with the link to your fakebook page.

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we had to work on the elections in "vie de classe". Don't forget to work on the questions for Thursday!

    Next, we revised for the English test.

    Here is the exercise you worked on:

    Tuesday, September 20th

    (the twentieth)

    Revisions for the test

    1) Traduire:

    a)My name is Molly and this is Sean.

    b)Good morning, how are you?

    c) I'm fine, thank you.


    d)Yellow like an English copybook.

    Homework: revise the colours and the alphabet for Thursday 23rd

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, you had your first flashtest (alphabet, colours and sounds).

    Then, we worked on colours again:

    Friday, September 16th

    (the sixteenth)

    Colours and objects

    -       Red, white and blue like the British flag.

    -       Red like an English copybook.

    -       Yellow like a pencil case.


    HOMEWORK: Monday, 19th:


    Learn the lesson

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we started preparing the final task.

    Before that, we just finished the previous lesson on grammar.

    -       Questions ouvertes: on répond par une information. Elles commencent par un mot en WH-.

    Ex : What does she like ?

    -       Questions fermées: on répond par oui ou non.

    Elles commencent par un auxiliaire.

    Ex : Does she like music ?


    è    Le “do” emphatique:

    I do like music.


    Ce “do” sert à insister. Il est accentué. On pourrait le traduire par « vraiment ».

    Thursday, September 15th

    (the fifteenth)


    Create a fakebook page

    You must include:

    -       Details about your personality (adjectives, adverbs...)

    -       Your tastes <3 with taste verbs

    -       Elements from the quiz (ex: I can’t live without...)

    Be creative, original, funny! Add a lot of details, make complex sentences.

    Visit: http://www.classtools.net/FB/home-page




    Monday 19th: revise the grammar lesson (question structures) 

    Wednesday 21st: ENGLISH TEST (tout ce qui a été fait depuis le début) 


    Thursday 22nd: send an e.mail to Mrs Vianey with the link to your fakebook page. 


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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we worked on the creation of questions.

    Here is the correction of what you did:

    1. What do you enjoy doing on Saturday nights?

    2. Do you like cooking?

    3. Are you selfish?

    4. Who do you have lots in common with?


    5. What can’t you live without?


    Then, we started the preparation of the final task:

    Thursday, September 15th

    (the fifteenth)


    Create a fakebook page

    You must include:

    -       Details about your personality (adjectives, adverbs...)

    -       Your tastes <3 with taste verbs

    -       Elements from the quiz (ex: I can’t live without...)

    Be creative, original, funny! Add a lot of details, make complex sentences.

    Visit: http://www.classtools.net/FB/home-page




    Friday 16th: revise the grammar lesson (question structures)

    Thursday 22nd: ENGLISH TEST (tout ce qui a été fait depuis le début)

    Friday 23rd: send an e.mail to Mrs Vianey with the link to your fakebook page.


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