• Hello everyone,

    Last time, we studied more classroom orders.

    Then, we listened to a roll call and we said who was absent or present:

    Thursday, September 22nd

    (the twenty-second)

    Classroom orders

    Come in (entrez), Go out (sortez).

    Read (lisez), Write (écrivez), Repeat (répétez), Stand up (levez-vous).





    Roll call


    Harry                                                 Present ! Yes, Miss!

    Sally                                             Yes, Sir!          I’m here!





    Kathleen                                           Absent!



    Situation: In class. Roles: 1 teacher, 3 pupils.


    -       Faire entrer et saluer


    -       Faire l’appel

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  • Hello everyone, 

    Here is the lesson for last time:

    Monday, September 19th

    (the nineteenth)

    VIDEO: My school day

    Names: Jamie - Chidi  - Annette

    Country: England


    -       Class registration

    -       Assembly

    -       Art

    -       Break time

    -       ICT: Information and Computer Technology

    -       Lunchtime

    -       Science

    Name of the school: Forest School-

    Name of the costume: a school uniform.


    This is Forest School. Pupils wear a uniform.

    In the morning, there is Assembly.


    HOMEWORK: Tuesday, 20th: Learn the vocabulary from the video and the lesson. 

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  • Hello everyone,

    Here is you work.

    Use it to revise for the test:

    Revision sheets

    Revision sheets

    Revision sheets

    Revision sheets

    Revision sheets

    Revision sheets

    Revision sheets

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  • Hello everyone,

    Here is your work:

    You can use it to revise for the test:

    Your revision sheets

    Your revision sheets

    Your revision sheets

    Your revision sheets

    Your revision sheets

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  • Hello everyone,

    Today, we did three things:

    - you had a flashtest on taste verbs

    - we explained a little more the way to create a blog, the preparation of the final task


    Friday, September 16th

    (the sixteenth)

    Preparation of the final task

    Create the first page of a blog about you.


    -       Three qualities

    -       Three flaws

    -       Three things you like

    -       Three things you don’t like

    Use all the vocabulary from the lessons (adjectives, adverbs, activities, verbs...)


    - we revised for the English test (comparisons, personality)



    -       Tuesday 20th: Revise the taste verbs

    -       Wednesday 21st: ENGLISH TEST (tout ce qui a été vu)

    Friday 23rd: Final task: envoyer un mail à mme Vianey


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